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Trouble With Floor Time

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Steph linden

Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Iowa, USA
I am having trouble with floor time my piggies all just hide they don't do any exploring. I have three a boy and two girls Oscar,Esme and Ellie.
They are really sweet in there cage and on my lap don't mind being handled but are really scared on the floor. I've tried feeding them there veggie there and they won't eat it's been like this for ever. I've also tried putting fleece over the carpet but that didn't work either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
You have the same problem as me. Maybe trying putting out Hidey houses and cardboard boxes?
Plenty of tunnels and hideys help. My (spoiled) lot are more active and relaxed knowing I'm there and they seem to like soft background noise, ie tv or radio. Sit on the floor near them so they can smell and hear you and avoid standing over them. It will take them time to get used to it but do persevere x
Mine were the same to start with but they should get used to it if you're doing it regularly. I did floor time every night to start with so they got used to it. Have lots of hideys out, and using items from their cage should help too so it's familiar to them. Keep using the veg as bribes and they should start to explore in time :)
I am having trouble with floor time my piggies all just hide they don't do any exploring. I have three a boy and two girls Oscar,Esme and Ellie.
They are really sweet in there cage and on my lap don't mind being handled but are really scared on the floor. I've tried feeding them there veggie there and they won't eat it's been like this for ever. I've also tried putting fleece over the carpet but that didn't work either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Guinea pigs are very wary of open spaces, as birds of prey are one of their main predators. You can encourage exploring by dotting lots of tunnels, cardboard hideys etc. about a foot apart around the run area. A blanket or fleece pegged over the top will also give your piggies a feeling of security until they have got their confidence.
Just be patient; it takes to time and patience build up confidence with timid prey animals, but it is well worth it!
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