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Two spoilt pigs 😊


I was catching Patrick to give him a quick cuddle and a pea flake and he started screaming blue murder. Anyone would think I had him by the ears or something. Anyway Pebble shot from the other side of the cage and positioned himself between me and Patrick. It was sooo sweet. Bless him. Such a good uncle pig. 😍

Patrick not so sure

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But then deciding it smelt too delicious to be scared.

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The first summer I gave Lexi 🌈 and Thea grass, Lexi ran away from it as it was something new and obviously something to be scared of. Thea cautiously tried some and found it delicious then Lexi came up very warily as she saw Thea chomping away quite happily and tried some and decided it was lovely stuff too.
It’s funny watching them discovering new food and teaching others to love or loathe.
Merab taught all mine to hate coriander until Micah was given some by @PigglePuggle when we last moved and they stayed with her. He didn’t know that coriander is horrible stuff so he wolfed it down and taught the others that it was very nice !