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URI vs Allergies?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 4, 2017
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Hi all. I got a guinea pig from the adoption/rescue section of pets at home on Tuesday. Straight away Tuesday night we noticed he was “hooting”. We had our 5 year old piggy die of a URI on the Saturday night so I was really upset and angry as I had specifically asked if he was in good health. I’ve sent an email complaining to pets at home and they sent me to their vets this morning (yes I did call on Wednesday morning but they’d only give me an appointment today) who put him on baytril.. 1/2 ml twice a day.

Now the thing is… he has NO other symptoms. He is hooting quite loudly at times but he doesn’t have a runny nose or crusty eyes. He’s not lethargic or anything. He eats EVERYTHING we give him :-D and he has not lost any weight in the past couple of days. He is only 7 months old. He has now had 2 doses of baytril (fought me rotten the second time once he realised how bad it tastes!) but the vet did mention it could be allergies? Now I’ve had piggies over 15 years but only one with a URI and never an allergy? He’s not sneezing….. thoughts?
It could have been the beginnings of a URI and you just caught it early. Just be aware that baytril can kill the appetite. So be ready to step in with syringe feeding him if he goes off his food (hay).

How long is he to be on the baytril and is he booked in for a review?
It could have been the beginnings of a URI and you just caught it early. Just be aware that baytril can kill the appetite. So be ready to step in with syringe feeding him if he goes off his food (hay).

How long is he to be on the baytril and is he booked in for a review?
5 days and no he is not booked in… I have critical care ready as I’m used to all this :( so hopefully all will be well.. so far so good. The hooting has eased off already so I’m cautiously hopeful!
5 day course isn’t long for a potential URI so you’ll have to see how things go.
A change in environment can cause something like this but given the seriousness of a URI, it always needs to be treated first (never assuming allergies)
Hope he is ok
How would I know if it’s an allergy? There is no crusty eyes or runny nose at all
He hoots when he breathes a bit heavier (running or being picked up) and at night. It’s not all the time
Allergies are rare but a sensitivity to something can occur - bedding etc, an obstruction in the airways from dust can cause hooting, the air being dry can also cause noisy breathing for example. Determining a sensitivity is really a case of ruling out a possible medical issue first (hence why it’s Its so important to fully treat a potential uri first)