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What should I do? Amber is really ill B-(

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hot fox

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
Brackley, Northamptonshire
Amber stopped her antibiotics on Wednesday. She brightened up, but has been looking for other's poos. We started syringe feeding her again yesterday as he weight had dropped a bit, so we made an effort to add pro-biotic to her syringe feeds, we've been giving her Critical Care. Each time she eats a bit less, she's looking really miserable.
Should I call the out of ours vet?
I wonder if it's her teeth? She nibbles a tiny bit, then gives up.
I'm at my wits end! Please help!
Hot Fox
If you are mentioning the vet then that is what you sould do, call them at least.
Hope Amber is okay :( x

Do you have an emergency vet you can call? They may be able to offer advice as to whats best?
Hope she's ok, I would call the emergency vet.
You should definitely get Amber on oral Daktarin, she may have a sore fungal mouth which is meaning she doesn't want to eat. If you can't get hold of a vet tonight contact Laura at guinea pig helpline for advice for the meantime xhttp://www.guineapighelpline.com/
Amber just sat on my lap and ate a bunch of grass, so it's not quite as dire as it seemed earlier. I gave her some Metacam I had from when Osc was poorly. Have been given some advise...and shall call the vet shortly too. Thanks for all your help.
Sending lots of healing vibes to Amber.
Good luck with the vets and lets us know how you get on xx
Update, I swear these pigs are trying to wind me up! After her handfull of grass, Amber had loads of syringes of Critical Care and mushed up pellets. After that she seems nearly normal. I slept about three hours........have come downstairs (Very Early) to find five healthy happy pigs!
I WILL NOT speak too soon, as I've already posted a thread saying how lucky we are she's All Better, when she clearly wasn't! I reckon the metacam helped, and it was caused by an unbalanced gut. A guess though, I'll still take her today to be checked over.
Thank you so much all for your kind supportive messages. I'm in personal touch with two dudes from this site, and I would have lost my sanity last night if it wasn't for their advise and help.
PS Did call the emergency vet but they would not give me any advise over the phone and requested to see her. By this time she'd already perked up, so was I advised that was probably a waste of money and time. Turns out the advice was spot on. Tricky call that one though....
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Thank you for your concern, Amberooni is not 100% but has been happily eating lots of fresh celery, cucumber, grass and has been foraging in the hay a little. We will monitor her weight closely and continue with the syringe feeds while it seems sensible, but so far so good. The vet suggested taking her may do more harm than good as she seems to be perking up, so our patient will remain under close observation. We think her condition remains stable. No hurrah just yet, keeping quiet not wanting to tempt fate!

Glad to hear she is doing well despite the scare...and well done for your constant vigilance.

Obviously still keep a close eye...sometime URI's can grumble on despite the baytril..... or move downwards to the lungs and chronic minor pneuomia/fluid develops.

If she deteriorates..(listen to her breathing with your ear next to her chest) ...then she might be better on a furosemaide diuretic to remove lung fluid (10mg/kg booster for first day followed by maintenance of 2mg/kg twice daily) together with paediatric septrin (0.5ml twice daily for a 1kg piggie) for 3-4 weeks to remove a stubborn infection. Alternatively an injection of longacting tetracycline antibiotic can do the trick if it might be Mycoplasma.
(obviously discuss wit your vet)

For an unbalanced gut....try fibreplex (has good probioitics and fibre) and if poos are small and not too frequent (indicates loss of gut motility) then discuss with your vet giving zantac twice daily at 2mg/kg to keep the gut moving. PM me if you want further info on these meds to print out for your vet.

Really hope Amber is now in the mend..

I hope that Amber has now turned a corner!
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