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Where do you throw all the cage waste/bedding away?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 26, 2009
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Sorry if this isn't in the right subforum but it's to do with bedding.

I'm in Manchester and wonder what everyone here who uses shavings/megazorb/easibed etc does with their waste, as in which bins do you use?

I ask because i have used my green bins the past 3 years - I checked all this prior to getting my pigs and the council website doesn't list pet bedding from cages on their site BUT it links to the Greater Machester Recycle website to check for anything not listed, and the GMR site clearly says shavings, hay etc from pet cages goes in the green waste.

However, recently the local council has got new bin trucks and it leaves a pile of shavings in the street, from both bins every time, and the neighbours aren't too happy. So I put a complaint into the council about the binpeople not cleaning up spillage.

They got back to me and said that the cage waste should go in black bin (general waste) - I replied with screenshots of the council site and the Manchester recycle site saying that the green bin is correct, I've never had a problem before, and asked them to pass my complaint to a manager as there's a big discrepancy between what the actual council website says/links to and what he is saying. Also the general waste bin is about half the size of 1 green bin, and I fill 2 green bins every week! (Bit less now as one of my pigs died recently and his buddy is in a cage with the others) so it won't fit in the general waste bin, and you can't order more black bins unless you throw away nappies or medical waste.

They never got back to me and that was about 2 months ago! I guess they don't care that much!

So what do you all do? I know different areas have different rules, do any of you have to go to the local tip occasionally? We had to go between Xmas and NY as the binpeople, being ever so helpful only emptied one of the green bins and they wernt being emptied for 2 weeks
It's always been considered general waste wherever I've lived, but I did have to move from full paper bedding to hybrid fleece/paper because the bin couldn't cope! We do have a large compost pile we can add to here as well which really helps.

Edit: Buckinghamshire and Nottinghamshire
I’m in Cambridgeshire and ours goes in the green/garden waste bin
This is one reason why I completely changed to fleece bedding a few years ago. Our council won't treat guinea pig bedding as garden waste, so everything goes to the black bin, and they get full quickly, so we had to drive to the tip just to throw it. So now with all fleece bedding, it's just the old hay that are really my piggies' waste. That goes to the garden waste just like the grass cuttings.
Thanks for the replies. It's strange isn't it.

I have tried the fleece/towel combo in the past but it gets soiled too quickly for me to have the time to rechange the whole thing. I have 3 large C and C cages :s I suppose doing a half and half could work though.

The person from the council who emailed me back said they shouldn't go in the green because it contains animal droppings... I know cat/dog waste shouldn't go in there but pig poo is completely different.

Next time I go to the tip (will see if they empty both green bins this week or not) I'll ask the people that are there where it should be thrown, that should give me a proper answer!
I have a friend collect mine, he does "odd jobs" and handy man services. There's far too much for me to put in my general waste bin so he takes it down the tip for me. But here, it's considered general household waste. Seems so wasteful, I used to let the same person take some for his allotment to compost but with so many on medication now, I'm not sure of the safety of growing food for human consumption in it anymore, so now its just general waste.
I'm not sure of the safety of growing food for human consumption in it anymore, so now its just general waste.
This is why some companies don't take it. It's to do with how your green bin company composts green bin waste. Herbivore poop can go in if it is heat treated and sterilised, if it's left to decompose naturally it has to go in the general waste. This is why the rules are different in different areas. We can put ours in the green bin but they very rarely get mine as I use mainly fleece. I have 5 compost bins for the hay and poop waste and several neighbours who like some to add to their compost bins. In the winter I mulch any bare patches of garden with used hay which helps to keep the weeds down and grows timothy grass to feed the piggies! If any of mine are on ABs the hay from their cages goes in the general waste bin.
I generally put mine in the garden waste bin, but in the general waste bin as well if I need to. Our recycling centres won’t take any animal waste products - not even guinea pigs, so I was told to put it in the general waste bin. Having eight pigs means I generally fill a bin in a couple of weeks!
I use wood shavings so my piggy waste is the hay and wood shavings.
If there’s room in the bins I put some in the garden waste or the general waste.
Mostly I take it to the tip and chuck the bags in the non recyclable skip.

The councils and the companies they outsource waste collection to don’t always communicate!
I put mine in the black bin,or go to the tip and put it in household waste.I'm using fleece in some cages.puppy pads and hay in the other cages.
Ahh thanks all. Interesting! I have seen our recycling centres composting area and I'm pretty sure they use heat, they use big white dome things, I'll have to Google it lol I do wish I had a larger garden or a would definitely have a couple of compost bins and compost my own
Waste bedding from vegetarian animals goes in the brown garden waste bin in my area now. Before it did I used to put it in the black bin because they wouldn't take it at the tip and I only have hay to get rid of because I use fleece. I also intermittently add it to my compost heap.
We are also in Manchester and have always put any waste hay in the garden waste bin. They’ve never said it’s a problem