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3 month old babies and a big boar?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 1, 2022
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Hi all..we decided to get two more girls after being left with just a neutered boy and one girl after losing our 3 other girls. Today we got two 10 week olds and theyre very tiny! Ive never had such small piggies as I got all the others at least a few months old or adults. I am going to quarantine for at least a couple of weeks to make sure they dont have anything contagious and then try and introduce them all! Ive already done an introduction so I know the basics but I was just concerned about how small they are and the boy I have is 1.3kg and can be quite boisterous! Is that ok like he wont crush them or anything?! I'm assuming he will mate with them if they let him. Our current female is around 2 and a half and has seemed to be quite caring and friendly so hopefully she will take a liking to them and can gently put them in their place..But yes my query is just really will such small girls be ok especially with a big boar lol
They will be absolutely fine with him. He won’t crush them or hurt them.

As there are two of them then you can quarantine them, ideally in a separate room, for two weeks.
They will be absolutely fine with their big daddy husboar. They are so small and fast they’ll be giving him the slip and sneaking away between his legs. Please don’t worry - he won’t hurt them.
It's okay... we've done introductions between baby pigs and adults several times and it's gone fine. Sometimes the baby even ends up bossing around the bigger pig!
Hi all..we decided to get two more girls after being left with just a neutered boy and one girl after losing our 3 other girls. Today we got two 10 week olds and theyre very tiny! Ive never had such small piggies as I got all the others at least a few months old or adults. I am going to quarantine for at least a couple of weeks to make sure they dont have anything contagious and then try and introduce them all! Ive already done an introduction so I know the basics but I was just concerned about how small they are and the boy I have is 1.3kg and can be quite boisterous! Is that ok like he wont crush them or anything?! I'm assuming he will mate with them if they let him. Our current female is around 2 and a half and has seemed to be quite caring and friendly so hopefully she will take a liking to them and can gently put them in their place..But yes my query is just really will such small girls be ok especially with a big boar lol

He will be in love with his wifelets and they will adore their daddy boar! Don't worry, nopig will come to any harm. My 5 weeks old Heini was so small that Carwyn stood fully on the ground when mating with her for the first time! He couldn't have been more careful and caring, though. They stayed close and loved up until his death. It is not my only 'daddy-mance' story. :)

My Begw was unceremoniously shoved through the front door of a cigarette smoke filled house as a no longer wanted 8 weeks old boar but turned out to be a sow the weight of a small 3 weeks old. You can find a video of her introduction to Dylan in my hospital cage due to the fact that Begw still needed to go through a quarantine before moving into the Tribe room but because of her young age Dylan shared it with her. He was an adoptee from the same rescue (see chapter baby bonding). Begw never grew large but she is still with me, if rather arthritic at 5 years of age.
The video above is from Dylan's introduction to a couple of 3 weeks old newly separated baby boars if you like it lively. Dylan got on better with one of them, Llelo (his brother found a new boar mate of his own through rescue dating just a couple of days later), but they parted ways when Dylan was unable to handle a quietly confident teenage boar-companion. Llelo was thankfully just neutered and chosen by one of my Tribe sows.

My Bedo became hubby-cum-nursery nurse to my three lively TEAS triplets who were happily bounding after him and wheek for him whenever they managed to get into a spot of bother (which they did very regularly). :)

Some more videos in these two guides here:
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics (see baby bonding chapter)
'Popcorning' (jumping) and 'zooming' (running) - joy and exuberance (videos)

Just enjoy the bond; especially when he starts to popcorn and play with his wifelets! :D