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Imaverol dilution?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 4, 2010
Reaction score
With My Piggies :)
Hi there,

can someone tell me the dilution method for imaverol? I know it's 1 part solution to 50 parts water, but my mathematics is failing me it seems.

I want to dip two pigs - ive filled a bucket with 2 full jugs of water (each jug is 1000ml) - how much imaverol would i need to add? Also the two jugs of water sat in a bucket doesn't look big enough to fully dip piggies without squashing them in to it?

sorry if this sounds like I'm being really dense - but i just cannot work it out??
I'm terrible with maths so I'll ignore that. I literally poured the solution onto Loki whilst in was in a bowl and his growing is almost fully grown back so I'm sure that'll be ok.
1ml (1 small syringe full) on 50ml of water (you can buy a small measuring dish in your local pharmacy or get a big 10ml syringe - 5 full of those) is enough to treat two guinea pigs in one go.

Please apply the imaverol solution directly to the affected areas (with a good margin around); you can either use a syringe or a toothbrush to work it in between the surrounding hairs. Use disposable gloves and wash any towels at a minmum of 60 C.
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1ml (1 small syringe full) on 50ml of water (you can buy a small measuring dish in your local pharmacy or get a big 10ml syringe - 5 full of those) is enough to treat two guinea pigs in one go.

Please apply the imaverol solution directly to the affected areas (with a good margin around); you can either use a syringe or a toothbrush to work it in between the surrounding hairs. Use disposable gloves and wash any towels at a minmum of 60 C.

So the imaverol is applied on the pig/affected areas - rather than the pig being fully dipped in to the made up solution? id always assumed dipping was the best way forward? (again I'm probably being really dense - but i dont know how to fully immerse a guinea pig in 50ml of water)

One of the pigs is being treated for ringworm after other treatments have failed while his cage mate is being done as a precautionary method (he did have ringworm which fully cleared up) - how would i apply to the pig being treated as a precaution since there are no visible fungal areas?
You treat the affected areas thoroughly, but you can also just brush/syringe it lightly over the body and then work it in.

It has worked for me - out of 16 piggies, only 2 have come down with ringworm, but they have all got three rounds of imaverol to prevent the spread. If you are unsure, prepare double the amount of solution!

Let it soak in (I always feed some grass during that time) and then rinse.
You treat the affected areas thoroughly, but you can also just brush/syringe it lightly over the body and then work it in.

It has worked for me - out of 16 piggies, only 2 have come down with ringworm, but they have all got three rounds of imaverol to prevent the spread. If you are unsure, prepare double the amount of solution!

Let it soak in (I always feed some grass during that time) and then rinse.

Ok - so applying it direct to the pig works just as well as dipping the whole pig? In terms of leaving the solution on and or rinsing it - i thought the protocol was that you fully cover piggy in the solution and leave it on allowing piggy to dry naturally - i didn't think it needed rinsing off.......
I always do 10ml Imaverol to 2 pints of water, ideally just for one pig but if needs must I will do more than one with this. I work it in with a throw away sponge and then dunk the whole pig, I never rinse off but let them dry naturally with it on.
I always do 10ml Imaverol to 2 pints of water, ideally just for one pig but if needs must I will do more than one with this. I work it in with a throw away sponge and then dunk the whole pig, I never rinse off but let them dry naturally with it on.

Ive just done 250ml of water to 5ml of imaverol and sat each pig in the solution (with the one not showing signs done first) and worked all over with a sponge (which I'm gonna throw away) they are both now drying off outside for 10mins (will bring them in shortly as its far too hot out there for them)

Is the bathing done every 4 days as stated on the solution leaflet or is it done every 7 days (as ive read previously on here)? i will use your method on their next bathing session helen :)
I do it once a week, it used to be more often but the regime I have followed with success calls for it once a week only. Any stubborn patches can have it applied topically in between dips, the ratio for that I use is 5ml Imaverol to 50ml water. This advice was given to me by a lady who has put years of research into fungal regimes and the best treatment and got my own pigs through a period of mycosis which is now in remission.
Hello all
I'm also about to dip my pigs in this for the first time; can anyone advise are they ok to have it even if they have a few scabs from scratching? Can I put canestan on them once its dry or should I wait?

I've been battling this for ages and I'm determined to actually beat it once and for all this time.
Sorry for the late response, been a busy evening, vet trip followed by fire alarm. Yes you can still dip but I would give pain relief half hour before in case. Imaverol is actually quite gentle and an emolient (most likey spelt that wrong). I would not use Canesten at all, the Imaverol should suffice, what is it you're treating though?
Its fungal defo. I had a very serious case of it with my previous herd. All clear for ages, and onlly one pig left (others went from old age) who had been clear for about 5 months. Then got a new pig from a local rescue, and he had fungal infection already embedded which I treated. That's a whole other story about his condition from the rescue!

This is the third flare up and worst so far, determined that I'm going to sort it once and for all! The dip seems to have made an improvement already, skin is much less angry and there is already some new hair growth which is great. F10ing everything as well. My vet is good but has only ever given me surolan with no other suggestions, so I'm really glad for the experienced advice on here. I gave pain relief before the dip as suggested. They have some sores which are healing nicely now as they aren't scratching so much.

Goy my rubber gloves and scrubbing brush ready to attack their house again, all wooden items gone for good. Best get back to it!
Am so pleased it seems to be helping already, sounds like you have all been through it though. It may be worth discussing oral fungal meds with your vet too if it has been going on this long, such as Itrafungol. Feel free to ask if you need anything further. You don't have enough posts to PM yet but only 4 more posts to go until you can.
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