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Keeping longhair guinea-pigs clean

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 9, 2009
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I have 2 longhaired guinea-pigs and they are really hard to keep clean. Sorry this isn't very nice, but they pee on their hair at the back a lot, and I've tried cutting it really short but they still pee on it, I don't understand how they keep doing this, because I cut their hair at the back really short. I've been giving them a bath once a month (I hope this isn't too much, I need to do it regularly to keep them clean but I don't want to bath them too much) and I've been brushing their hair and cutting it at the back. How else can I keep them clean?
I think just like us humans, some pigs are more messy than others.
I have 3 longhaired pigs, and only one, and yes it MUST be the white one, is verry messy, it does not matter how short I try to keep er bum hair, she will always wee on it, it will always be tangled, and she will always sit in her pee.
The other 2 rarel need a trim around the bum, but snowy needs to be checked dayly.
I hope that someone will come on here and give us a miracle cure for our messy pigs
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