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TV shows

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 9, 2012
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
I bought my guinea's in whilst i cleaned them and noticed Frankie has a new favourite show - Jeremy Kyle...
He also LOVES the wrestling - when he's in during the winter he goes to the corner of his cage without fail at the start of the show.
Bobby loves Spongebob and seems to take a shining to Penguins of Madagascar
And they both seem to like the simpsons.

Do your Guinea's have a show which they appear to 'watch'?
Just thought it would be an interesting thread (i know it's likely the noise and the images which attracts them)
My Llewelyn loved to sit on the living room floor watching Dancing On Ice; it was probably the mix of music and patterns that attracted him.
Patch used to sit and watch Gossip Girl with me on the computer. The girls aren't fussed about tv unless it's countryfile
The girls often used to watch TV in the evening, nothing particular as we have to have some say in matters but found this pic of them watching something of interest to them last year:

They still watch occasionally since we moved house and built the pens so they can see the screen :(|)
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