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What are the guides in this subforum for?

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Staff member
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Coventry UK
This subforum contains detailed advice for supportive care at home to compliment any necessary medical care.

The guides aim to be comprehensive practical 'how to' guides for any level of knowledge and any level of accessible vet care wherever you are in the world and whenever you need guidance to help you care for your guinea pig to the best of your ability, and to give them the best quality of life under the circumstances.

I am specifically concentrating on support care tips for some common illnesses, frailness/disability, bereavement, extreme weather care and areas where there can transmission worries either way between humans and cavies.

For emergency resources and home care advice for critically ill guinea pigs please see our Emergency Care subforum: Emergency Information and Care

My care guides do NOT replace veterinary care but are focussing on helping you to look after a guinea pig in need of support or special care as best as you can at home to support the healing process and to keep your guinea pig going until medication can kick in.

Some guides may contain advice on what concerns to raise with a vet not experienced in guinea pigs and what to look out for in terms of longer term complications. Any special medical advice and any specific medications mentioned have been proof-read and/or recommended by an experienced exotics nurse. I have included active ingredients in medications to allow your vet to find an available corresponding brand in countries other than the UK or US.

You are welcome to open an ongoing support thread in our specially monitored Health & Illness section for any personalised advice and moral support during treatment and recovery.
Our monitors are experienced and knowledgeable members that we trust fully. You will trigger an automatic alert when you post a new thread in the Health & Illness section. Please be aware that we are based in the UK and that all of us are doing this on an unpaid voluntary basis in our free time. Health & Illness Notable Posters

We cannot replace any veterinary hands-on examination and medical care, but we can help you work out whether you need to see a vet, support you until you can see a vet at the soonest, through an illness, injury or through terminal care for a piggy of yours or in the aftermath of a sudden death.

Please respect that I cannot type out the full care advice in my various guides every time to every single member and that advice can often not be condensed into just two short simple sentences or quick and easy tips!
That is the reason why I have written the guides in this section in the first place...
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