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Dave Mrs Dougal Florence and YIPEE 2 More.

It’s great that they’re settling in so well. I’m a great believer that animals can sense when they are safe and will be cared for. Who’s who Dave so I distinguish the girls in the photos 😁
I know its hard. . Mavis is mum. . Bigger and brown and white. . Moo is daughter and well sadly looks like a cow. 20201228_204521.jpg
Moo left. . Course important to Nicks mums leaf
Gorgeous girls enjoying breakfast, give them time and they'll be into the hay soon enough and dragging it everywhere 🤣
They look like they’re having the best time! It really makes me laugh now pigs want the same lead when there’s loads to choose from 🤣
What gorgeous girlies and so confident too :wub:
How are you doing. . Missing them beautiful loved Piggies. . . You did fantastic for them. If I can be as good as you then I and my piggies be happy.
Little tale. Just fed both sets.piggies
. Put Mavis and Moo dish in and silly voice time. . Girlies look. . Treats... Moo skipped into hay and ate some kale which been there since breaky. .
Never understand.
Well friends 24 hours gone. . Hard to get a good photo as they scatter if I make a sudden move etc. .
I'm really pls how's it gone. .
Mavis is great mum.. . Moo follows her and always nudging etc. . . .
Taken just now. . 20201229_192804-1.jpg
Not seen um drink but 2 dishes down and they know where they are. . . Eaten ok. Here we go. . Awake Time.