
  1. K

    Senior Piggy Face Abcess

    Hello, I'm new here and understand that this forum isn't a substitute for legitimate veterinary care, but my situation is somewhat unique and I could use whatever advice you may have to offer. I should start by saying that my 6 year old male guinea pig, Snickers, is not well socialized...
  2. D

    Dental issues

    Hello All, I'm new here, my name is Rosie and I have 5 piggies. I have 4 girls and one boy neutered. I recently took one of the girls ages about 3/4 to the vets as her teeth were wearing at an angle. Today she has been in for dental surgery for the molars. The surgeon has called me afterwards...
  3. Jloveslife22

    Ongoing dental issues many surgeries done. Roots? Mandibular?

    Hi everyone, My name is Jess I'm from Brisbane, Queensland Australia and have such an unusual case I felt sharing the story here may be worthwhile incase someone has answers. I've hunted google many times and keep landing on posts here with answers. Will try do a brief summary keep it super...
  4. Bettyb26


    Hi again, One of my boys has a little abscess and the vet told me to buy hibiscrub and bathe the abscess in it daily. This was over the phone and they didn’t give any instructions on how to dilute it or how long to bathe the area for (I spoke to the receptionist who had asked the vet and shown...
  5. Phoenix1998

    Making the right call for jaw problems

    Hi, One of my girls has been having some issues with her jaw for a while now. She developed an abscess just before Christmas in her right cheek. We treated with antibiotics, draining and flushing it. That cleared up well and she was fine again. She never really stopped eating, just slowed down...
  6. gracehumn

    Popped cyst or abscess

    hi everyone! i’m baby sitting my friends guinea pig while he’s out of town, my little baby lenny. and he had a really large ball under his neck. i was pretty sure it was a cyst but wasn’t 100% a couple days ago a it popped and now it looks like this. i’ve been cleaning it with salt water but...
  7. earniethepiggie

    reaction to stitches

    Hi, It seams like Earnie has had a reaction to his stitches post neuter (3 weeks). A couple days ago we took him to the vets after noticing swelling around where the procedure took place and they prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory in case of an abscess. However, after closer...
  8. PeachyPie

    Snuffles and lumps

    Hello, My piggy Pumba started showing signs of runny nose and eyes a couple of weeks back. I took him to the vet and she thought he didn't look that bad and gave him an antibiotic injection. She said she didn't think he needed anything else but I could take baytril if I wanted and use it if I...
  9. Nstheboss

    Burst abcess on guinea pig jaw

    Hi, I'm looking for a final opinion before I have my Guinea pig put to sleep. About a month ago I noticed a small lump on her jaw, prior to this she had lost weight and had been off her food. I took her to an exotic vet who told me that it is a jaw abcess that requires surgery which will cost a...
  10. Auster

    Specialist Abscess care

    Hi all Been having a bit of trouble with an abscess in my boy, Ralis. Warning for the squeamish, this isn’t pleasant. So a few weeks ago he developed this massive lump under his chin on the skin of his neck. It came absolutely out of nowhere and was suddenly huge. He’d even been at the vets...
  11. Lilaclemons


    Hello! I have a female guinea pig who has a reoccurring neck abscess that while treatable, is not curable in our situation. When we went to the vet they did not give us any advice, nor tell us how to go about ensuring there is no trapped pus. The vet can not be called for a couple of days, as...
  12. Livy

    Inflamed lymph node

    Hello I normally do a body check at least once a week on my piggies to check for lumps etc. Unfortunately today I did find a small lump on my 5 year old piggies neck. It is around the size of a pea and is free moving. I called the vet and got an appointment same day. She was diagnosed with...
  13. Nicky71

    What Is This ?

    Help . I am taking piggy to vet tomorrow after I found this on him tonight . It is above his butt to the right . He seems fine in himself , normal behaviour , eating , pooping etc . But in the meantime what should I do ? Should I clean it and if so what with ? Looks like an open wound with...
  14. TheLottiediarys

    Anya's Abcess Has Come Back?

    Hi guys, Was doing nails today's and realised Anya Abcess has come back, About a monto ago she was at the vets with it originally, they gave us Metacam and Baytril to clear it up It's come back It was leaking so I cleaned it up with some wound wash I'll take her to the vets tomorrow Any idea...