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  1. Lilythepig2017

    Our Guinea Pig Nibbled Off Bit Of Iphone Cable: Ok?

    So we have a designated safe area for the guinea pig to run around. My husband though left a iPhone cable by accident on the floor (unplugged). She ate some of the plastic off of it and he felt awful. Not the wire fibers. How bad is this? Will the plastic she infested be dangerous to her? She...
  2. Alexandra West

    Guinea Pigs Ate Some Pine Needles?

    Hello all... When I was away from finnian, my guinea pig, a few minutes ago, my sister snuck in and took him down to see the Christmas tree. Apparently he bit off some tips of the pine needles and ate them... will he be alright? I heard some trees are sprayed with chemicals and stuff... he...
  3. Alexandra West

    Ate Beading Cord?

    Earlier today while I was cleaning, Finnian, my piggie, got a hold of my stretch cord I use to make bracelets. I don't know how much he ate, but he ate it. I was watching him for poop, and he did. He's eating and drinking the same as always, and now, he's eaten it again. I was telling my mom...
  4. kitkat1

    Guinea Pig Ate Duct Tape

    So I have put wire mesh on my piggies' cage to prevent them from kicking out bedding, and I used a tiny bit of duct tape to hold a part of it together. This morning I checked on the pigs and the piece of duct tape had a bunch of chew marks in it. I have a feeling that they probably only chewed...
  5. PiggyOinkOink

    Silly Snoopy Munched On Dracaena!

    I let Snoopy & Cappuccino out on the floor and I whilst I had my attention trying to make a maze for them Snoopy started munching on some Dracaena (Madagascar Dragon Tree) that was on the floor! I never have plants on the floor but my friend changed my room a little because he's into Feng Shui...