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  1. J

    Back Legs Hair Loss

    Dear all, My guinea pig has bald patches on both her back legs (picture enclosed). Both bald patches are identical to each other and the skin is not itchy, dry or sensitive. I can touch the spots without her even noticing. She is 6 years old and has had these patches for more than a year...
  2. TheCavySlave

    Piggy Fell On His Back!

    I was in the cage, feeding the boys. I was on my feet and my knees were, hmm, about as high as a smartphone, probably higher. Anyway, Godfrey jumped on my leg to get the food and fell off onto his back! He landed on the soft fleece and spent about a millisecond looking surprised before he went...
  3. P

    Guinea Pig On Back?!

    This afternoon, my male guinea pig (nutmeg) was in the run with his friend (smudge), halfway in to his tunnel. All of a sudden smudge tried to join him in the tunnel! Nutmeg proceeded to turn on to his back, and smudge lay on top of him. We separated them to prevent suffocation. Is this normal...