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bonded pair

  1. B

    please help!

    I’m new to this site and thought I’d come on here for some much needed advice. I have a 4 month old guinea pig (Poppy) and I’ve recently tried adding another (Gracie) who is a little over a year old. Gracie was surrendered by a family and has always lived alone in her cage. They’ve been in the...
  2. A

    Can bonded boys play together

    Hi! I recently got 2 skinny pugs for free that came with two huge cages,food, cleaning stuff, hides, treats, vitamins, etc. I was told by the women that they were bonded brothers but couldnt be housed together this is my second time owning pigs and I don't know everything that I could. I know...
  3. Diana85

    Plucking Cagemates' hairs

    I own 2 females and have always lived together since i got them 3 years ago, recently Piggy had to have surgery to remove a sebaceous cyst just under her ear, following the surgery she developed a UTI so was on antibiotics, both of those things really impacted her so she was pretty much not...
  4. EddyNoble

    Need advice for boar pair

    Hi everyone, I have a pair of boars who i went through the bonding process with back in july/August. One of them is now about 1 and a half years old and the other is about 7 months old. They have become quite hard to manage, in terms of aggression towards both myself and each other. Whenever I...
  5. M

    One boar becomes agitated in bonded boy pair

    I have a bonded pair of boys that have been bonded for about 8 months now. They are both estimated to be 2-3 years old. They have been fine with each other up until now. They have a 14 sq ft c&c cage, 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles, 2 hay options, and multiple houses with 2 entrances. Out of the...
  6. Hannahb2804

    Noises and what they mean

    Recently rescued two sows roughly the same age and have been bonded since January at a rescue, I brought them home on Saturday and I can sometimes hear them purring at eachother or sometimes when they walk past eachother or touch eachother they dart away, I’m just wondering if they’re not...
  7. Opossum_fur

    Need advice I think my piggy is depressed?

    Hello, I just made a post last night about my poor Hobbes in the Health and Wellness thread. Sadly my poor baby passed away last night and I’m heartbroken :( Hobbes was bonded to another male I have named Calvin. I’m starting to notice now that Calvin eats a bit less now before he would run to...
  8. notthemilkcowelsie

    Recent loss.

    Two days ago my male guinea pig Tiberius died rather suddenly. His bonded mate(I had him neutered so no babies), my female Elsie was very attached to him. I haven't gotten around to getting them more companions, so she is now alone. How do I know when to get another pig for my diminished...
  9. Cocochanel4

    Boar bonding - Morris and MG

    Hi everyone, My 1 year old boar Morris sadly lost his friend Austin in January. He had a speed date at a local rescue last week and bonded easily with the first boar he was placed with. We’ve named the little guy MG (7 months) and he’s such a sweetheart. Unfortunately since getting home Morris...
  10. Natrista

    What can we do for him?

    one of my boys Cheese (the orange one) recently passed away from unknown reasons. The other one, macaroni and him were bonded. I've read that guineapigs can get depressed after their mate passes away, is there anything I can do to prevent this? Or is there anything i can do to help him in...
  11. dannif_piggies

    Bonding Two Sow Pairs

    Hey everyone, so in the early new year, I am hoping to attempt the bonding of my two sow pairs, Honey and Willow joining with Lois and Laine. I have one successful previous experience, bonding baby Willow (then 13 weeks) with 6 year old Honey. Apart from this I have no other experience about...
  12. T

    Bonded pair fighting

    Hi everyone, about eight months ago I adopted two pigs from a shelter. They are two male piggies about a year old at adoption and were already bonded. I could tell from their interactions that one pig, Tucker, was the dominant pig. Although lately Wilbur the other pig is starting to fight and...
  13. H

    My Journey With "an Evil Pig"

    Hello! My name is Hayley and i would like to share my experience thus far as a guinea pig owner to give new pet parents a new perspective on raising boars and/or sows. My first interaction with a guinea pig was when i started my job in pet care at my local Petsmart. We were a brand new...
  14. Barnyard Boars


    Since roughly around yesterday 10am, I have been bonding my Harvey (aprox a year) with a new baby pig (aprox 1 month) Milton, I didn’t read up enough and thought washing Harvey’s blankets and wiping down a bit would be enough to put Milton in his cage, stupid now that I know. They were NOT...
  15. V

    Bonding My Current Guinea Pig To Two New Ones

    Hi! Currently I just have my single guinea pig and have not partnered him yet. I got him from a family friend who was breeding and couldn't take his brother as well because he was claimed. Around 7-8 weeks after my guinea pig and his brother were born there was another single birth from the same...
  16. Beccalouise986

    Bonded Females Fighting Help!

    Helloo! I have 2 bonded females (not sisters) who have been together for 3 years. All of a sudden this morning they have started fighting. They have 2 of everything (food Bowles, arches, tubes) so there’s shouldn’t be any fighting over space as they live in a huge space, they’ve never really...
  17. Jesse's pigs

    Is This Squabbling Or A Sign The Bond Isn't Going To Work Out?

    Hi guys I just got back from a holiday (Greece) and the pigs came back to me Saturday - no problems both been fine. Anyway today (since I've got home) They seem to be squabbling. Nothing has been changed- same layout, hay etc and both been having floortime. But Mo is humping Steve again who in...
  18. Jesse's pigs


    I never realised how fun floortime could be! The first time I tried it with Mo, I was rather nervous - and he stuck by my side so I think he was too :lol!: but eventually he learnt that my bedroom floor was a safe space and went mental! Now I get them out together as much as possible. I...
  19. Jesse's pigs

    Videos To Help Those Who May Be Thinking Of Bonding Guinea Pigs.

    So I hope these help (other then being adorable LOL) but basically thought I'd share some videos of the behaviour I noticed from Mo when I introduced Steve. Of course I'm sure you will all note the size difference (Steve isn't that small anymore :( ) but you'll also see what many members and...
  20. Jesse's pigs

    Mo & Steve Update

    (Update from my old thread 1 to 2) Mo and Steve have been together just over two weeks now and I'm happy to say they still seem okay together. There is the rare occasion where Mo will mount him quite a bit but that is extremely rare now and I usually wake up with Steve wheeking over nothing-...