
  1. Piggie mama

    Lump or bone? Please help

    Hi all, when picking up my youngest piggie today (he's 10 months) I noticed a hard rounded end lump or bone,I'm not sure which, in between his front legs, I can't feel one on my older pig, however he has quite a bit more fat than my little one. The lump feels as though it is long and curved at...
  2. wenton5

    Chooch 's Mysterious Health And Teeth

    wenton5 Post » 12/13/2017, 8:46 pm Report this post First, thank you for the help. I'll try to keep this short, but offer some history. I used to write for The Guinea Pig Magazine, have a sticky on Guinea Lynx Forum and have combed the internet for answers. Some info: Chooch, boar...