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  1. E

    New Guinea pig swollen feet

    Hi guys, yesterday I got two lovely girls called Maeve and Margo, I got them from a lady who said they were very loved and well taken care of but now I have them I can see that’s not really the truth :( they came with claws so long they intertwined with each other and their feet look swollen...
  2. court29x

    Clipping New Baby Guinea Pigs Claws!

    I'm a bit nervous about clipping my piggies claws! I've had guinea pigs before and so have all my older sisters but because I was so young they all used to clip them, my piggies are 7 weeks old now, when and how should I clip them? advice? x
  3. Strawb

    Flakey Skin And Bald Patches!

    Hey guys, if in doubt I'm always looking on here for advice but this time I can't find anything like what my pig has so help would be appreciated! His name is Tails, he's a 3 year old Rex and for a good year and a half/2 years he's had hair loss patches on his lower back/hind, his fur will either...
  4. WinnieandBear

    Did Anyone Else See The Piggy On Bbc News?!?! Poor Things Nails?!

    Oh my god I am shocked by the guinea pig just shown on BBC News being cared for by a disabled gentleman its nails were over an inch long and literally SPIRALLED from clearly never being cut!? The poor thing I can't believe that was just aired without being picked up on! Poor thing I feel awful...