
  1. Wheeksqueeksquad

    Old guinea pig with lots of issues doesn't walk well

    Hey everyone! I have a lovely old lady named Wuppie. She's a sweet girl and I adopted her around may. The last couple months, lots of issues just stacked up one after another. First we discovered arthritis in her legs and her fat belly was actually a giant cyst. She's very wonky and the vet just...
  2. lavender91

    Keratin cyst

    Can I soak my guinea pigs back end in warm water to help with a keratin cyst swelling ?
  3. lavender91

    Lump question

    So about a week and 1/2 to 2 weeks ago we found a lump on the back left side of one of our guinea pigs and I was wondering if anyone could try and help we have a vet appointment on 7/24/24 CST I've attached photos of the lump in the blue square
  4. R

    Guinea Pig - Travelling with Cystic Ovaries

    First, thank you to this community for providing so much good advice that has helped me care for my guinea pigs! I have concerns about an upcoming car journey with the pigs when I suspect one of them has cystic ovaries. The trip is in a month and mandatory since I am moving for work. It will...
  5. D

    Guinea pig with symptoms

    Hi, I have a Guinea pig named chip. I had him since December 2020. He lives alone but had 4 cage mates but he fought with each cage mate so now he lives alone. He does really good alone ever since. He has been a very happy eating guinea pig during last December 2023, but then in January I...
  6. Puddles1999

    Ovarian cysts?

    Hi everyone. My minnie just went to the vet because she has been losing weight continuously. She had an uti last year around the same time. She seemed to get uti’s quite a bit and I know the vet had mentioned last time reoccurring utis can be a sign of a hormonal problems. She expressed her...
  7. HeatherV

    Lump in groin area on female

    Hi, I am new here and glad to find this helpful guinea pig community I got a female hairless guinea pig from Petco. I already have two of them so she is my third. I brought her home and realized that she has a round lump that is in the groin area. It is about the size of a pea and is movable...
  8. M

    Lump on rear end

    I have two piggies, and we’ve noticed suddenly one of them has a lump on her rear end. We also noticed recently she has been losing weight, which is in addition even more concerning, and my partner is worried it’s related. We started giving our piggies more vitamin C water additives and she...
  9. gracehumn

    Popped cyst or abscess

    hi everyone! i’m baby sitting my friends guinea pig while he’s out of town, my little baby lenny. and he had a really large ball under his neck. i was pretty sure it was a cyst but wasn’t 100% a couple days ago a it popped and now it looks like this. i’ve been cleaning it with salt water but...
  10. DizzyD95

    Ovarian Cyst Surgery

    Hi everyone, It's been a long time since I posted on this wonderful forum. We went to the vets yesterday for something totally unrelated and it was found that my gorgeous Minstrel has ovarian cysts. My other guinea pig (Popcorn) may also have them, although we are having an ultrasound to...
  11. littlewinng

    Pea sized lump behind guinea pig ear

    I recently adopted a baby guinea (5 weeks old) I've had him for a week now and just this morning I noticed that he has a decent sized lump behind his ear. It's firm. And theres some white crusty stuff around it I'll post pics but it was hard for him to stand still. Obviously I'm going to...
  12. court29x

    Lump on back

    Hi I’m looking for opinions as my guinea pig Bean has got a lump on the bottom of her back just above her bum. When I touch it she moves away but doesnt squeal. She’s eating and drinking fine, I only found the lump last night and ever since then she’s been very feisty with my other Guinea pig...
  13. O

    Big lump on guinea pig (know what it is?)

    My guinea pig has had this large lump on her far body on the side of her back and we are just wondering what this is, we think it might be a harmless cyst or maybe a tumour. We’ve had her for almost 6 years and she’s never been sick, she’s never seemed to be in pain and hasn’t lost her appetite...
  14. B

    Very worried about Penny

    For a couple of years she has had quite a big cyst on her side, we took her to the vet and the vet said she would be fine. It flared up really bad last week so we took her to the vet and the vet said the surgery would be extremely risky for her so we decided to leave it, today I noticed her...
  15. C

    New Guinea pig with ruptured tumor/cyst?

    So my uncle has had a female guinea pig for about 5 years. She was living with her babies, but they were given away, as well as the male since he was not neutured and hard to contain. He has rescued several cats, moved, and has other personal things which don’t give him enough time for a Guinea...
  16. N

    Weird lump in pelvic area

    So when I picked up my guinea pig, Sabrina, I noticed that she had a weird lump (sort of between her nipples) when I pushed on it, it moved. It was about the size of a penny and very firm. My first instinct was to squeeze it a little to see if it hurt (it didn’t) or was something that would just...
  17. dannif_piggies

    Advice on Spaying a six year old piggy

    So back around May time, Honey was diagnosed with ovarian cysts, and the options we were given was to spay or have a hormone impnat put into the scruff of her neck. Obviously the spay would be a permanent fix, but the implant would cause less distress, and potentially be "safer" for Honey due to...
  18. Jasper'sMama

    Lump on side

    Hello! This is my first time posting here, I really need an opinion on what to do. I have a 4 1/2-5 year old guinea pig named Jasper. I've had her for about four years now with no health concerns or scares. I handle her pretty frequently, and within a few days she developed a lump on her right...
  19. Moana

    Cyst Care

    Hi! I've recently encountered my first cyst with my guinea baby, Moana. She has never had problems (other than a gunky eye not too long ago, but it's all better). She's a pretty fluffy guinea, being an abbey and all, so I didn't see or notice the cyst till today, and my initial reaction was...
  20. Nicky71

    What Is This ?

    Help . I am taking piggy to vet tomorrow after I found this on him tonight . It is above his butt to the right . He seems fine in himself , normal behaviour , eating , pooping etc . But in the meantime what should I do ? Should I clean it and if so what with ? Looks like an open wound with...