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dental op

  1. kxitlynx

    dental issues

    hi, my guinea pig Bojack (4 years old) had a dental done on his teeth yesterday, as he had some bad spurs preventing him from eating, also dribbling etc. he seems no better this morning (24 hours passed), he's hardly eating and not himself still yet, he's still dribbling, i'm syringe feeding him...
  2. Kirstones

    Tooth root abscess and dental surgery, help!

    I’m posting on here for a bit of advice, as well as to inform others of a very specific problem I’ve been having with one of my piggies. (Skip to the end for my current situation!) I have a 4 year old guinea pig called Mavis who lives with two others, two months ago (on her 4th birthday) she...
  3. DebiGliori

    Post-dental downturn

    Almost exactly a year after his first series of dental grindings, my poor Merry is back at the vet's as an overnight patient. A week ago he had a GA to grind down his back teeth ( apparently they form spurs, which impair his ability to eat) and recovered well from the anaesthetic and was sent...
  4. Rivendellelf

    Not eating after dental

    Hi I have a girl who wasn’t eating. So I took her to a vet (good exotic vet) who said her incisors were at an angle which suggested something was going on further back. She then had an X-ray and some dental filling on her back teeth and a spur under GA. This was Monday. As of today, she’s...
  5. F

    Dental Recovery care for piggie after dental surgery

    Hiya, I’m new to this forum, but was just wondering if anyone had any advice or tips for looking after a piggie after dental surgery. The vet said when they had to remove his fractured bottom tooth a bit of bone came with it and he has a fracture in his jaw. We didn’t expect him to make it...
  6. N

    malocclusion: what do I do?

    Hello, my name is Ewa and my guinea pig is Apollo! He’s a 6 year old white crested boy. Yes he’s an old guy. So Apollo has malocclusion and has had his back teeth done 3 times over the past 2 and a half months. He is also developing problems with his front teeth growing unequally and the top...
  7. kaitlynlovesgpigsx

    not eating after dental check

    so toby our 2.5 year old pig was found on saturday covered in drool. he went straight to vet who as having experience with pig teeth we knew he had malocclusion. vet says that yes back teeth were slightly overgrown but biggest issue was one in particular where food had gotten stuck round the...
  8. Beans&Toast

    Dental Vet Stumped By Toast's Dental Problem

    Sorry this is slighlty long but I'll try keep this as to the point as I can. Today Toast had her 6th or 7th dental (I've lost count) in the space of around 1 year. Up until now, the issue has always been that her back molars were slightly over growing by about 3 mm over a period of time and...
  9. G

    Eating Issues - Possible Dental

    Hi, our guinea pig started having some eating difficulties around the start of June, just eating slowly and opening her mouth wide, almost looking like she was yawning and clearly having something irritating her in her mouth. We took her to the vet, who advised us that it was likely her back...
  10. Beans&Toast

    Toast Needs To Be Spayed (i Think).

    My vet and I have agreed today that it would be sensible to spay Toast. I'm really having second thoughts though and would appreciate your opinions on this as I'm terrified about it. (I apologise in advance as it's quite a long read) For over a year now Toast has been having hormonal issues...
  11. cheeseandpeas

    Dental Dental Surgery

    Hi I have a four year old pig (Broccoliese) who I rescued two years ago from an owner who didn't care for or feed him properly, he had mites and poorly formed feet but has gone on to do really well with us. I took him to the vet today with A sore area under his chin, the vet asked if he...
  12. T

    Dental Guinea Pig- Post Dental Operation

    I have had my little Buzzbe since birth and he is the cuddliest cutest most adorable boy in the world. For the past 2 & 1/2 months I have been trying my best to nurse him back to health after I noticed he stopped eating and drinking overnight. I panicked and called the closest vet and they...
  13. Elgifu321

    Guinea Pig Specialists In The North West?

    I have 2 male guinea pigs that are about four years old, Oswyn (pronounced: Oz-win) and Rupert and both have generally been healthy up to now- in fact the only time I can remember visiting the vets with them was when I found a wart on Ruperts bum It's harmless though but better to be safe than...
  14. Roxi&Leyla

    Dental Dental Piggy Recovery

    Hey guys What is your experience with post op recovery after dental surgeries? My eldest Roxi had hers on Friday. Vets told me she should hopefully start eating pretty quickly. She is showing interest in food but can't bite into it. Of course it's very painful for her still, I know it's going...