
  1. Caitlyn11

    Weird behavior

    Hi everyone, I got my little girl pickles about 2 months ago. She is very loud and popcorns often. She does, however, have some weird behaviors I’d like to ask about as I’m worried about my baby. They thought she was about 4 months old when I got her. She looooves cuddles to the point where she...
  2. linnyk

    Ripping Out Her Fur

    I have a 5-6 month old female guinea pig. I got her from a woman with really young children because she was afraid they were handling her too roughly. I had her alone for a while, until I could find her a friend, which I have had with her for about two days so far, they seem to like each other...
  3. GingerPiggie

    Help! My Guinea Pig Is All Alone...

    so, about 2 years ago I got two guinea pigs. Unfortunatly, last year one of them died. Of course I immediatly went to my parents to ask for another one because, as you probably know, guinea pigs shouldn't be alone! My Mom said yes but my dad said no due to the cost of housing when we go away on...
  4. Moomin91

    Unhappy Piggy? Worried Newbie Owner Advice Needed

    Hi all proud newbie owner here that has been researching and reading countless forums on here already to prepare myself for the new arrivals but I really need some more advice and couldn't find any similar thread, I'm rather worried about one of our new Guinea pigs we brought 3 females home...