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excited piggies

  1. Beans&Toast

    Maple Is At It Again

    I've just put the pigs back in the cage after changing the fleece, I rearranged a few bits too just to keeps things interesting. (I've still to put their hay in incase anyone is wondering where the hay is :P) Maple loves a good run around the cage, as you can see :drool: Poor Beans, she tries...
  2. court29x

    The Princess's Are Finallyyyy In Their Castle!

    The spoilt little two have finally got fleece bedding! 3 days of trying to wick, a day of installing and what felt like a years worth of patience has resulted in two very happy girlies:lol: my boyfriend and I used adhesive velcro to secure the fleece in place, I'm hoping the velcro is washable...