fleece cage liners

  1. rubyxo


    i’m looking at getting a new home for my guinea pig, the size is 143L x 73W x 46H. i found a fleece liner bedding for the bottom but its 48L x 24W. does anyone know if it’ll fit or do i need a bigger fleece liner?
  2. Fluffy17

    Fleece liners colors

    Hey everybody! I wanted to switch from shavings to fleece liners but i’m kinda indecisive about the color. My piggy is female with white hair and kinda wanted to lean towards the pink kavee liner also to kind of make hair less visible on the fleece and kind of make her space more colourful and...
  3. S

    What to put at the bottom of the cage?

    Hi we are New Guinea pig owners ( I had Guinea pigs when I was a teenager a while ago). What’s best to put at the bottom of a cage, we have a Kavve fleece at the bottom. We have some puppy pads and some normal fleeces to go on the bottom when we do the big clean out. I’ve heard sawdust isn’t...
  4. Swissgreys

    A Detailed Guide For Fleece Bedding

    Overview 1 What is a fleece cage liner? - What is a fleece liner and how does work? - What is the absorbent layer? - Does a fleece liner need a waterproof layer? 2 Getting started with fleece - How many liners will I need? - Buying ready-made liners - Sewing your own liners - Creating a simple...
  5. GeorgiaHarris

    Where to get cotton mattress protectors?

    I’ve been looking for cotton mattress protectors and the cheapest I can find are £25. I don’t really want to spend more than £10 on one but I’m struggling to find any at a decent price. Does anyone have any recommendations of where to get them at a lower price? Also what’s better about using...
  6. GeorgiaHarris

    Preparing fleece for cage liners?

    I recently made my cage liners for the first time and somewhere online that you only need to wash the fleece twice before using it to prepare it but ive found that my piggies wee is sitting on top of the fleece and is not being absorbed, the cage liner has also shrunk and no longer covers the...
  7. GeorgiaHarris

    Where to get polar fleece?

    I’m struggling to find cute patterned fleece for my boys cage liners. Does anyone know of any where to buy patterned polar fleece at a decent price in the uk? Preferably to buy by the metre.
  8. GeorgiaHarris

    DIY cage liners

    I want to make my own cage liners and as I cannot buy uhaul in the uk and zorb is too expensive I’ve been advised to use a mattress protector between my fleece. I’ve found these Slumberdown Waterproof Mattress Protector but just want to double check and make sure that they will work.
  9. GeorgiaHarris

    U-Haul alternative?

    I really want to make some cage liners for my piggies but I’m finding it difficult to find the U-Haul pads in the uk. I found this Removal Blanket but I’m not sure if they are a suitable alternative or if they’ll even work. Can anybody help?
  10. A

    Fleece Liners

    hi, i am changing hutch to a c and c 2x4 one and am looking to also change to fleece liners. Some places specify that the liners are for 2x4 but some will put, for example, 120x59 or 100x54. are either of these big enough? also, if anyone uses them, could you share some tips or how to use/wash...
  11. Diane Owen

    Fleece Bedding

    So today is the day I change from shavings to fleece. Hope it goes well but not sure how I'm going to cope with the mess from hay. At the moment it's on a hay loft on the side of the cage, they don't seem to eat much mind. Does anyone have tips for fleece bedding?
  12. Siikibam

    Homemade Cage Liners

    I decided to move to fleece bedding after a few things about shavings I didn't like. Including finding a piece stuck in Fudge's bits. I've made the cage liner for the smaller one and will make it for the other tonight. I want rid of the shavings ready for tomorrow's bin collection so I'll have...
  13. Guanchy

    Well Finally Changed From Bedding To Fleece

    I finally decided to go for it. Its been a week and I'm loving it. The only con so far is having to scoop out the poop daily lol but other than that its perfect! and i know i know, i need to get me some fancier fleece lol but I'm getting there. The piggies love it as well, as you can see Lucas...
  14. court29x

    Fleece Burrowing Worries..

    After two days of trying to master the art of wicking I think my fleece cage liners are almost ready to be put in the cage, however, I have a massive fear of one of the girls burrowing it up or it slipping about, a lot of people have recommended the stuff you put under rugs to stop them sliding...
  15. court29x

    Introducing Fleece Items

    I've just ordered some fleece cage liners (the waterproof kind) and some fleece beds and pockets/cosies/hideys, do I start by introducing the fleece cage liners first and continue to let them use their plastic igloo (changing it because it takes up too much room in their cage) or the other way...
  16. court29x

    Recommendations Needed!

    I'm thinking of purchasing Vetbed, I've seen a lot of it online but I wanted to know if there is any that any of you would particularly recommend or where to get it from? Or whether its even worth purchasing or not?
  17. court29x

    Am I Doing Something Wrong?

    Recently I've seen the majority of people on here have cages, indoor in particular, with fleeces and some hay areas instead of outdoor hutches with wood shavings and hay, at the moment my piggies are in an outdoor with wood shavings and hay but when the weather starts getting colder again we are...
  18. MissPiggyTales

    Recommended Fleece Liners

    Hiya! I've just purchased two 2x4 c and c cages... so excited...:yahoo: I've been scrolling through the internet and cant seem to decide which place is best to get a waterproof/absorbent cage liner for each. I'm looking for the least faff option .. lol.. and best price for item. Any advice or...
  19. Parnassus

    C & C Ramp Too Slippery?

    Hi all! I noticed last night that Blade was hesitant to go back down the ramp from their loft, and when she finally did, she just slid straight down to the bottom like a slide! Ack! Now I'm thinking of dismantling the loft until I can fix the ramp up. Has anyone else had this problem? How did...
  20. MollyB

    Fleece Bedding Checklist?

    Hi guys! I've decided to try using fleece bedding in Teddy's outdoor hutch. It's on 2 levels and has recently been re-covered so it'll be waterproof too. I was hoping you could give me some pointers on the initial set-up so I know I'm on the right track. Here's what I'm thinking/not sure of...