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  1. Grand Guinea Pigs

    What's in the Garden?

    Some photos from this year and last.
  2. Swissgreys

    Member Gallery: Sheds

    Please use this thread to post pictures of your guinea pig shed. Try to include some information with the photo like: Where it was purchased/brand Any adaptations you have made What size it is How many piggies are kept in it How easy it is to keep clean/if you'd recommend it Any shed specific...
  3. dannif_piggies

    New c&c cage idea!

    I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but over the next week I'm am off work and Ive come up with such an exciting idea for my guinea pigs c&c, I will be extending the base possibly to 4x3 (if not just a small width extension on one part) and then providing them with a loft. My...
  4. court29x

    long time no see..

    Haven't been on here in ages! Finished college for the year and its now officially my summer! Been just over a year I've had my 2 little piggies, they are still absolutely mental but still happy and healthy! Struggling to find shade in the garden for them :no: first thing this morning I put...
  5. Kallasia

    Doing Up The Garden - Plant Queries

    Hello! Quick question, I can't find any information on whether Japanese Laurel is okay with piggies and wondered if anyone knew? I don't intend to feed it to them, but have planned to get some in a large flower bed next to where we're planning to put down a lawn which eventually the piggies...
  6. UhreGuineas

    What Flowers Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

    Over the summer i plan in making a little garden for the piggies and was wondering what some good options are. I was thinking about marigolds, nasturtiums, and teddy bear sunflowers. If there is possibly more I could add to their garden, or if i should not get them one of the 3 i planned on...
  7. C

    Garden Runs....

    Hi I have three piggies now, as we sadly lost one on Wednesday due to heat stroke. We have a metal run, that I move around the garden as the boys "mow" the lawn for me. I use blankets/sheets to provide shade, as well as their tunnels and hides. We also had hot water bottles filled with cold...
  8. Guineapigfeet

    Burgess Country Garden Herbs

    Bought some bags of this (I under estimated how big the bags would be!) for the girls and they *love* it. I even got a popcorn and short zoom-dash out of Chewie! Rey was popping so much she couldn't really eat it and BB was zooming around like a thing possessed. Felt a bit bad as their C&C...
  9. G

    Hand Picked Grass?

    I'm sure this is a question thats been asked multiple times, but is it okay to pick grass by hand in the garden and feed it to my piggy? I know to make sure it's clean, and there are no dangerous plants. Thanks! Sharna :)
  10. Ashleigh24

    Boys Enjoying Garden Time

    only a short garden time for their first time (I know they are used to grass as rescuer used to feed them grass) but here is the boys enjoying being outside. So nice to see them enjoying it and getting exercise. :luv:
  11. Stevenxxx

    My Guinea Pig Going Outside

    I have a Guinea pig that I would love to allow to play outside on the grass but I get worried about weird things like ants or earwigs coming over to him ,am I being over paranoid or should I not let him out in case he gets something ?