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  1. 5

    Happy Birthday! 🎃

    Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to Spooky! I can't believe she's already one years old! 🎃👻
  2. Aubrey&Lup'sMum

    Missed Halloween but have to share!

    So, due to illness I wasn't able to get these photos into the competition, but still wanted to share my girls enjoying their first Halloween! I had planned to make them a corn husk doll, and maybe a little scarecrow stuffed with hay, but because of my flare up this week I had to keep it simple...
  3. Molly3827

    Halloween Pumpkins!

    Happy Halloween! I carved pennywise into my pumpkin this year! I gave the piggies a little piece of pennywise's eye. Olive enjoyed the pumpkin most!
  4. Welpo

    Spooky month is coming

    We need to make this thread like that south park episode Halloween costume ideas, GO
  5. Jesse's pigs

    Calling All Piggies- It Is I Mo!

    "Hi fellow piggies of the forum! I have taken over pig mum's account for a short while as I am not best pleased! I would like to announce that I -yes me- am infact a part time werewolf tamer and unfortunately pigmum doesn't want me to share this secret. I was going to show Simon Cowell on BGT...
  6. Elgifu321

    Themed Cage Items: Halloween :)

    I love a good opportunity to decorate the cage and buy new toys, chews and cozy items but I can never find anything for Halloween! I've got a skull fleece which I might make into strips to put over my usual liners from ziggys and I've made a pumpkin hidey (took me a whole day but I love it!)...
  7. Chief Guinea Pig

    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween from me and the piggies The set
  8. Chief Guinea Pig

    Halloween Nails 2015

    It's that time of the year to do a bit of Halloween nail art! If you were here last year I did a spider design: Now this year I have attempted some glowing pumpkins (nails curtosy of my mum XD)
  9. rory

    Halloween Piggies

    How many of you guys have celebrated Halloween/Fall with your piggies with pictures? Please show!
  10. Chief Guinea Pig

    What's Your Halloween Plans?

    Come on tell all :P Now it's the halloween month what do you have planned? From trick or treating to sitting at home with the curtains and lights out! 22nd October I will be going to the alton towers scarefest, 31st will be a day of halloween baking, pumpkin carving, and filming a video for the...