
  1. Puddles1999

    Heart pig & Hooting

    Hi! So Penelope is around 5 years old. Quite a few months back she had started hooting and was put on antibiotics to see if it stopped. It continued off and on for a while until she randomly got a bunch of fluid in her abdomen. She was then put on furosemide and was diagnosed with a little bit...
  2. lilpumpkamo

    Caring for an older guinea pig with recurring breathing and digestion issues

    Hello! I wanted to post here to ask for advice on caring for a older guinea pig with recurring health issues. I want to make her as comfortable as possible in the time she has left with us. Some background: She adopted as an adult from Craigslist and likely 1-2 years old in 2018. I have had...
  3. Nifen

    Reoccuring URIs and hooting

    Hello, I have a girl who's been sneezing lately a lot and making this hooting sound when she tries to sleep sometimes. I took her to the vet recently because I thought it was a URI. The vet said her lungs sounded clear; however, I gave her antibiotics for two weeks. It's been a little less...
  4. basicpiggies

    Intermittent Hooting/Rasping

    Hi all! I gotta rush my guinea pig to the emergency vet in the morning…only weeks after the death of my last one (due to a mass, not a contagious illness) I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar and what the outcome was, or if anyone had any input while I wait...
  5. M

    little hoots!

    hi! So I just cleaned my guinea pigs cage and he started hoot hoot hooting! and he stops for awhile and then does one hoot and it repeats. this is the first time this has happened! he's wheeking he's popcorning he's eating he's drinking but there's still some hoots, does anyone know what this...
  6. Emilia_G

    Guinea pig hooting issue. Advice needed .

    Hello everyone! I’m a new guinea pig mom, got my two female piggies from my local pet store almost two weeks ago (Bean is 8 months old and Killie is 2 months old). The first two-three days everything was normal. After that, I noticed that Bean started making a hooting sound when she naps, kinda...
  7. philippa063

    Wheezing / hooting noise followed by hiccough

    Hello all :) One of my female piggies, Ginny, has been hooting / wheezing loudly - especially at night but also in the daytime - but not showing any other signs of illness at all. She always hiccoughs at the end and the hooting then stops. This has been happening, on and off, for about 3...
  8. Bayberrybae

    Hooting noises

    Hi! Sarah here. You may have seen me recently post a thread on my boar who just passed, Ozzy, and his situation. Well, now we're having another one. Up til now this year, I have sadly lost 3 pigs. 2 babies, and my boar I mentioned. Both babies passed due to bad accidents and were not...
  9. vvipb

    Does my guinea pig have a heart condition?

    Hi, I’m new to forums and stuff so bear with me. So a couple hours ago, I woke up in the night and heard a weird short moaning sound that kept repeating coming from my guinea pig cage, I got my two guinea pigs out (both females) and realised one of them kept on making a hooting kind of sound...
  10. Ruby2020

    Intermittent Hooting

    I have a 3-month old guinea pig. A week ago, first thing in the morning I noticed she was making a hooting sound and moving her head back and forth while in her plastic igloo. It was almost like she was still asleep. She came out of her igloo and started eating when I fed her. She gave a sneeze...
  11. cosmonaaut


    hello! i have a 5 month old guinea pig, and recently i've noticed that usually in the early morning, she starts making a sort of "hooting". now i've read it's normal every once in a while, but it's becoming almost a twice-weekly thing where i'll wake up and hear it. today it happened and she had...
  12. L

    HELP! My pig is hooting!

    Hello! My boy Pip has started making hooting noises! Since last night, he has not moved very far from his little house. I would say Pip is a little bit of an over achiever when it comes to his day to day life so I am very worried for him. He will not eat his favorite hay, nor will he drink...
  13. F

    Chirping/Wheezing + weight loss

    Hi, I’ve got a two (almost 3) year old female guinea pig called Poppy, who’s had a tough couple of weeks. Started with removing an inch long piece of hay/grass from her eye which resulted in a eye ulcer, but the emergency out of hour vets sorted that with pain relief and eye drops and her eye is...
  14. C

    My Pig Is Making Strange Noises?

    Hello everybody, let me first say; I'm a new owner. I've never had Guinea pigs before in my life until this past December. As a Christmas present, my aunt took me to her usual pet store for her dogs and we bought a very young pig. My neighbor had a single pig she could no longer take care of and...
  15. Beans&Toast

    Possible Heart Problem For Toast.

    I haven't really been on here in ages. I've been so busy travelling with work then my Mum's been really ill on top of the pigs being ill too :( I have a horrible feeling Toast has a heart problem. For well over 6 months now she's been making the hooting/crackling sounds accompanied with...
  16. Parnassus

    Hooting And Stuffy From Hay?

    Hey There! I am reading some horror stories about heart disease in hooting guinea pigs. I want to run this working theory I'm troubleshooting by you to see if this sounds like a reasonable theory. We are currently helping Blade's cage mate, Whistler, through bladder sludge (Thread on that...
  17. Beans&Toast

    Hay Allergy, Wetting Hay And Long Term Fibreplex

    So I've had Toast back and forth at the vets as she's been breathing funny for months now; Toast's Making A Strange Sound A URI seems to have been ruled out as she's not had a runny nose or eyes and it's not gotten worse in the months it's been going on. 2 exotic specialist vets have listened...
  18. Beans&Toast

    Toast's Making A Strange Sound

    For weeks now Toast has been making a crackly/hooting sound. It's not constant, it's on and off some days. Sometimes it's very faint but I can definitely hear it and it seems to happen most when she's eating/cleaning herself. She is otherwise completely herself, eating drinking etc and still...
  19. Palila

    Strange Sound While Breathing

    My two girls have been making a strange noise almost everyday for 5 months now, it starts like wheezing, or like hooting, and then it sounds like in the video below. I took them twice to the vet, and she doesn't find anything wrong with them, but i don't think it's normal at all. I can't even...