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  1. MsBaru

    DIY cage idea - is it suitable?

    I am thinking about making a DIY cage, since pet store cages are way too small, but my space is limited and I want to fit it into a certain corner. If anyone knows a YouTube channel Guinea Dad, he made a video of himself converting a piece of furniture into a guinea pig pen. My idea was to put...
  2. Guineaconvert

    Betty and Yeti get greedy!

    Love that my new girls have gone from timid babies to ever expanding wheeking slave drivers in a few weeks! 'Are you gonna feed us or what?'
  3. G


    I wanted to ask who used ikea fleece blankets as their cage liners and can you tell me if you recommend them or not. Thank you ❤️
  4. Siikibam

    Ikea Fleece

    I bought fleece from Ikea (will be making cage liners), but it says not to tumble dry...those who have bought it did you tumble dry or just air dry? A bit annoying as would be nice to dry it quickly but I don't want to ruin it by putting in the dryer.