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  1. Celine298

    I'm Being Bullied For Grass...

    We had a late spring here in Ireland and most of the livestock (sheep/cattle) are only being let out to pasture in the past couple of weeks due to the poor grass growth. Thankfully, the grass is finally bursting into growth. Last week, I began picking fresh grass from the garden for the...
  2. ChloeCee98

    Pros And Cons To Getting A Kitten!

    So my boyfriends brothers cat had kittens about 4.5 weeks ago. I've been to see them almost every week now and have fallen in love! I've had kittens and cats in the past and I am more of a cat person than a dog person! My boyfriend finally gave up and said I could have one when they're ready to...
  3. Guinea Days

    What Unusual Food Does Your Guinea Pig Like To Eat?

    our guinea pigs don't like much unusual food... I gues we would never dare to try to give them some :tu: tell us what your piggys like (which is ok for them to eat) and we can try it. share with each othen and maby you could fine a new treat your piggys would like x :love: please...