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I'm Being Bullied For Grass...


Junior Guinea Pig
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
We had a late spring here in Ireland and most of the livestock (sheep/cattle) are only being let out to pasture in the past couple of weeks due to the poor grass growth. Thankfully, the grass is finally bursting into growth.

Last week, I began picking fresh grass from the garden for the piggies, and this week (thanks to some lovely warm weather) they got outside for the first time since last summer. This would all be wonderful if it wasn't for the bullying...

....oh, the bullying....

If I open the back door to but something in the bins: WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK!
If I go outside for a cigarette: WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK!
If I go out to hang clothes on the line: WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK!


I can feel their little goggly eyes watching my every movement... they turn their noses up at the veggies I offer them... they even scream at me to get out of bed in the morning! (our bedroom is upstairs and they live downstairs in the dining room)

Does anyone else experience this kind of extreme bullying from their piggies at this time of the year?!
I may need counselling come autumn if they don't stop picking on me like this.... :xd::xd:
I know what you mean! I sometimes worry the neighbours will report me:))

My neighbors must think I have a screw loose because all that can be heard from our garden on a sunny day is the following:

"Lola, come out of the drain pipe."
"It's only a bird Sunny, it's not going to molest you."
"Lola, come out of the flowerpot."
"That's the washing line Sunny, it's not going to molest you either."
"LOLA! Come out of the bushes!"
"Sunny stop being such a coward, it's only a butterfly!"

I talk to my piggies all the time. My neighbour's new partner keeps thinking I am talking to him when I am talking to the piggies. He looks at me as if I am strange! I always let my lot know what is going on. Whenever I approach the hutch or the run I talk to them to tell them its grass time or time to go back on the patio (still getting them used to the grass), breakfast time, veg time, cuddle time etc. Nothing wrong in that. They have to be prepared that something is going to happen. Velvet hates being picked up and Meg isn't keen so then at least they have been warned. Velvet has taught herself to dive into a hidey to be picked up which makes it far less stressful on her. Betsy likes to be picked up, Christian doesn't mind and on a good day Dennis tolerates it. They all get a little treat when I have picked them up such as a bit of mint or a dandelion leaf so they associate being picked up as a nice experience.
Back door, front door, fridge door - all guaranteed to set the girls off and they can yell when they want to.

Your Lola sounds a real character @Celine298
I occasionally get the odd wheek from Pickle, but both my pigs seem to be pretty quiet generally. Jasmine usually lets me know she wants something by sticking her nose through the bars and/or teeth chattering with impatience. :)
I think the funniest thing a terrible neighbor said to me once was about some noises he could hear sometimes (I usually leave a window tilted in the room the pets are in when the weather is warm and I assume he heard some noise). “Do you hear any unusual sounds? Sometimes I wonder if we have rats or something.” I just looked back completely expressionless and said thoughtfully “ I just hear a tv or music sometimes.”

It’s none of their business whether anyone has pets or what those pets are. At the time they asked I had a pair of extremely loud foster guinea pigs and I can well imagine those shrill screams for veggies could be heard for miles around at 6am every morning....but I wasn’t going to say anything :shh::shh:.
We had a late spring here in Ireland and most of the livestock (sheep/cattle) are only being let out to pasture in the past couple of weeks due to the poor grass growth. Thankfully, the grass is finally bursting into growth.

Last week, I began picking fresh grass from the garden for the piggies, and this week (thanks to some lovely warm weather) they got outside for the first time since last summer. This would all be wonderful if it wasn't for the bullying...

....oh, the bullying....

If I open the back door to but something in the bins: WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK!
If I go outside for a cigarette: WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK!
If I go out to hang clothes on the line: WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK!


I can feel their little goggly eyes watching my every movement... they turn their noses up at the veggies I offer them... they even scream at me to get out of bed in the morning! (our bedroom is upstairs and they live downstairs in the dining room)

Does anyone else experience this kind of extreme bullying from their piggies at this time of the year?!
I may need counselling come autumn if they don't stop picking on me like this.... :xd::xd:

you can stop one lot of wheeks!

stop smoking!.lol.