
  1. N

    Gerbil - Lonley Gerbil After Gerbil Death

    So we had a pair of female gerbils up until recently when one passed away. The other is now lonely and We are wondering if she will be okay. We have another pair of gerbils who are her sisters which we separated from the other pair about a year or two ago because they started fighting. So we...
  2. AdamFrench

    Now Only One Piggie :(:(:(

    Hi We had floor-time last night the girls were happy and playing. This morning I woke up to give them their morning clean and the smallest one was sitting hunched up with no interest in running away from the dustpan and brush as normal. I picked her up without any movement and her breaths were...
  3. Alexandra West

    Baby Piggy With Uri?

    I just got a baby guinea pig today (he's about 6-8 weeks I think?) and he makes a weird noise before making a noise that sound like he's coughing or choking? His nose isn't runny but he keeps nearly closing one of his eyes. I can't find any thing on this and I'm scared? Please help? He also is...