nose scab

  1. L

    Nose injury unknown cause

    Hey all, So my little baby Teddy that I just adopted had this little tuff of fur on his nose and with further investigation it was hard and I was trying to look at it and he was moving around and it fell off… the pictures are after it fell off then the zoomed in screenshot of a video I took...
  2. B

    Nose problems

    Hello, unfortunately one of my guinea pigs has this problem with her nose, she has this bald spot on her nose with two big scabs she probably must've scratched herself with her sharp nails making herself bleed and causing the scabs, it's probably a rash or something more, unfortunately my mother...
  3. R

    White scabs on my guinea pig cookie

    Hi everyone, I hope you can help as I am a bit stuck over what to do with my guinea pig cookie. I can post some bettter photos this week if that helps. I took cookie to the vet just over 2 weeks ago as she had some scabs on her sides and back in various places, mainly in the roset middles. They...
  4. Kyubi0302

    Red marks on nose , please help

    Hello everyone! I'm so glad that I found this site... Its 4 am here and I noticed my guinea pig has red Mark's on her nose. She had a weird crusty nose a few days ago and I put some fungus cream on it because other owners told me she had a fungal infection. I bought her from petsmart and ever...
  5. Alssa

    scratch on nose

    Ugh I hate that I’m posting on this thread twice in one week like a helicopter mom but I don’t know what to do. I got hole from work today and checked on Peggy and she had this bloody scab on her nose. I couldn’t find anything in her cage that would cause an injury like that, nothing with a...