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not pooping

  1. M

    Not sure if she’s sick or it’s just stomach/gas pains

    Hi guys, Our guinea pig Morty (she’s about 5 years old) suddenly started acting lethargic this afternoon, just sleeping almost all day (this isn’t totally unusual for her). We both had a cold last week but we took all the precautions we normally do to keep her safe. We haven’t noticed any cold...
  2. D

    Guinea pig dropped from 10 feet

    Hi. My guinea pig was dropped from about 10 feet due to the mishandling of my brothers. She isn’t showing too many signs of injury, but is rather, not pooping, eating hay, or drinking water. I’ve been able to feed her lettuce but thats it. And lately, she’s been very aggressive towards me and...
  3. Basti & Dulce

    Guinea stopped eating, dental problems, fixed it in surgery, won't eat during recovery and now it's not pooping like it should.

    Hey, everyone, So, Basti started to eat less and less a few weeks ago, started losing weight and we went to investigate only to find out she was having dental problems. X-Ray detected some anomaly in her jaw and teeth, she went to surgery and the doctor said that "things were pretty messy in...
  4. Hiimkrystle

    Piggy not pooping but eating/drinking

    My guinea pig is acting completely normal, munching away on hay as I type this, drinking water, took her vitamin c and digestive support pills this morning but she has not passed any poops for over twelve hours, since I cleaned her cage last night there is nothing new. What can I do? Is there...
  5. P

    Piggie not pooping

    Hi! My Piggie isn't pooping. She was pooping yesterday really well but today she seems to have stopped. She's not bloated, she's eating lots, and she's acting like herself. I do have cisapride for her but I know it's a hard medicine, should i give it to her (I have the dose and everything from...
  6. jesse1234

    strange behaviour in my piggie

    hi, new here, just looking for some advice. i have a 2 year old rescued guinea pig named oswald, and he has been concerning me for he past hour or so. he's never had any health issues or concerns prior. when he's eating his hay, not when eating pepper or anything else, he makes a sort of low...
  7. H

    Guinea Pig Peeing But Not Pooping

    So two nights ago around 11pm my female guinea pig started squeaking out of nowhere and we were not in the room or didn't even open the fridge to initiate. The squeaking sounded a little different than normal with a little hoarseness at parts if that makes sense. She had a full water bottle...
  8. J

    Possible Tumor/ Can't Walk

    Hello, I wanted to ask if anyone can tell me what might be wrong with my pig. Her name is Cookie and she's approximately 6 years old, we got her about a year ago and she has had chronic U.R.I that we have always treated. A few weeks ago we noticed her stomach was very hard, so naturally I did...