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  1. Lilythepig2017

    Detailed Pellet Question: Fats/ Oils/ Calcium/ Sugars/ Etc

    Hello While reading over stuff I think my pellets (Oxbow organic pellets) are too high in calcium as they say they are at 0.9% I read that 0.3% is the highest it should be. Now my pig is 4 months old so I know she needs some calcium for bones but after 6 months I'd like to pull her off them...
  2. Beans&Toast

    E45 Bath Oil

    Would this be okay to use in cleaning the grease gland? Only other thing I've got would be fairy washing up liquid... is that acceptable? (I had seen some people use washing up liquid but unsure if this is okay)
  3. Xilvey

    Using Olbas Oil?

    Hi guys! I was told today that if you put albus oil in your cage, it will neutralize smells so that there's nothing to bicker about, especially when introducing new guinea pigs. I personally would of thought it would be really bad for their little lungs and if guinea pigs are gonna get along...