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  1. YodelingYotes

    4 week old Guinea pig penis keeps protruding out

    Hello! One of my Guinea pigs is 4 weeks old, and with wiping and warm water his penis will go back in, but then start poking back out once again shortly after. Not only this but poop keeps sticking to his penis when it is out. I clean it off every time, but I don’t understand why this keeps...
  2. Ono&Lennon

    Please help! Guinea pig with lumpy, swollen protruding penis

    This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling...
  3. W

    Is this a normal penis? (New owner, please help)

    So I rescued my lil dudes a while back and recieves mixed information about boar cleaning where sometimes it's necessary and other times it doesn't cause any problems. I live alone so I find it hard to do any care on a regular basis cause I normally wait for family to visit and rope them in to...
  4. annaandpigs

    Hard, pea sized lump above male guinea pig’s genitals

    Hi, I’m hoping someone might have some advice for me. My male piggy, Dumby has a hard, pea sized lump just above his penis. When I first found it, it was higher in his lower abdomen but it can be moved down to sit at the top of his genitals - it seems to move back and forth by itself and also...
  5. J

    Piggy penis problem

    I took in this super sweet little piggy but his penis is... weird. Its a week till the vet appointment and it's not urgent but I thought I'd ask a hive mind what they think it is. I've seen prolapsed penis's where it pops out, but this is the opposite, it's like he's got so much foreskin there's...
  6. J

    Any ideas anyone?

    Hi, I've not long joined the Guinea Forum but have read it a lot before for advice. I trust this forum and need some advice from experienced guinea owners as my poor Marcus has been passed from vet to vet (in the same practice) as they can't find the problem. Three weeks ago during a general...
  7. thethreeboars

    Cleaning a boars penis

    Hi! So my boy is now 8 and I have never even thought to clean his willy! It’s now swollen and looking uncomfortable and j was hoping for some advice on how is best to clean it or if I’m best going to the vets?
  8. BenjiAndButtons

    Cleaning Anal Sack

    I know this is a gross topic, but here in the uk, what do yous use to clean your gentleman piggies I'm talking smelly willies and gunky , we try warm water and cotton buds but it never fully cleans up.
  9. A

    Injured Penis?!? Help?!

    Sorry for the graphic image... But we have a problem here! Has anyone ever seen anything like this? What could be wrong with him? This is my little guy Chester. He's just a few months old. Anyway, I have 3 other male pigs and have never had anything like this happen. I thought it may be boar...
  10. Roopa

    Sick Cavy

    Hi All, I made a post on pet forums about this and was advised to ask around here to help shed some light on my piggie's situation. I have a boar called Theo who was bleeding when he urinated. I took him to the vets who said he had a penis infection and said that I should give him baytril and...
  11. Danielle Smith

    Secretion From Penis Post-neuter; Pus, Glue, Smegma, Sludgy Wee?

    Tubs was neutered on Saturday 26th November. While he was exclusively syringe-fed at first, he's recovering somewhat and eating hay, veggies and some pellets (he's losing 5-10g a day, but I'm keeping an eye on that and topping up with syringe feed where necessary). He's on loxicom for pain...
  12. P

    Urgent Swollen Penis

    Checked my year old Dave today and saw his penis was really swollen with the two horns. Is going to the vets tomorrow but need help on what it is. Doesn't seem painful since I can touch it without him squeaking. I don't know if he is peeing and pooping. Thanks!