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  1. FknEcho

    Weird poop

    Hello, my guinea pig - Puffy, 3 years old, male - recently lost its companion. Since then he has weirdly shaped poop, it’s getting me kind of worried. Sometimes they are a bit small. His companion had this type of poop in his last days as well, but a lot of them connected on a string and...
  2. D

    firm but smelly poops?

    I was wondering if I can start my piggies on veggies again--They've been off due to soft poops when my mom gave them too much carrot. Now one of the pig's poops are fine, and the other one has poops that look exactly right but still smell a bit gassy. She doesn't seem to have anything else...
  3. D

    straining to poop

    my girl is straining to poop, often (just started today) and she lets out painful-sounding squeaks:( when she does this, the poop that comes out is clumped and somewhat mushy & stinky. i suspect the culprit is my mom feeding the two pigs carrots yesterday, since they didn't have veggies in their...
  4. lydvn

    Small/Sunflower seed-looking poops

    So, randomly today me and my partner have noticed our guinea pig Mali's poops are a bit different than normal. They look just the same as her normal ones, but a bit smaller and a little bit of a point at the tip of one end. We recently have put her on a low-calcium diet because her cage-mate...
  5. K

    A week into guinea pigs and I think I am running into some problems

    Basically I've had guinea pigs for a week, maybe less and I am concerned about some things which is 1. Is this food alright for guinea pigs along with some hay? 2. I sometimes find their poop in small clusters and just recently as today, like a relatively long thin line of poop. How can I fix...
  6. G


    Hi! I’m looking for help. I have a female Guinea pig that started to do a pink pee, after that a red pee, and also she was squeaking doing pee/poop. I took her to the vet, she started taking the medication (sulfamethoxazole 0.5ml at every 12 hours and meloxicam 0.2mg, one pill and after a couple...
  7. G

    Baytril Concerns- Possible UTI? (Urgent)

    Hello all! I have a guinea pig named Meeko; she is 5.5 years old! I adopted her from a rescue since she was a month old, so I have watched her through all of her life stages! This past weekend, I noticed that she was sitting hunched/fluffed out in her pigloo. (It's clear so it was easy to see...
  8. R

    Discomfort going to the toilet!

    Hiya, booked a vet appointment but thought I'd post on here to see if anyone can give advice. My 4 almost 5 yo piggy has started to squeal whilst pooping and peeing, it started a couple of days ago but seemed better this morning and now worse again. He seems to be uncomfortable. Also noticed he...
  9. O

    Guinea pig discolored pee/poo

    photo Hi, i have a guinea pig around 11 mo to a year, she’s starting having a weird discoloration in her pee and poop. She does her business in the same corner so it’s hard to tell. I just started giving her cilantro but don’t think that’s the case. Can anyone help? I’m concerned and it’s late...
  10. D

    Guinea pig poop 💩

    Hey guys (= My guinea pig poop is light brown and I found out it's because of dehydration. I'm feeding him half of a cucumber every day and he also drinks water, but the poop is still light brown. What should I do? He eats healthy and properly.
  11. Sr. Cappu

    My guinea pig COMES to pee on me

    Hello, My piggy and I are new to this forum. I have a female guinea pig for 2 months already. I was told it was 5month old when I received it so it should be around 7months old. I have been very pleased the first month, but started to be puzzled then. I have two problems with her, and I think...
  12. bexxcarrie

    Wonky poops

    Hi there, For the past few days, my female pig Selma (2 yrs old) has been doing different shaped poops, from tear dropped and too mushy to harder but not uniform, with some being smaller and so on. I've been trying to take veggies out of her diet and have given her some Dualcare nuggets. I have...
  13. Angie2022

    Soft poop problem

    Hi! My piggies Mochi and Molly have been having soft poop for the last 2 days. Mochi has also be having teardrop shaped poop while Molly only has soft poop but look normal. They are still very active and wheek for veggies. I have been keeping them off veggies for about 24 hours. I read a lot...
  14. B

    Not pooping a lot

    Hi, everyone! So I have had guinea pigs for about two months now, and I have come to realize that perhaps they don't poop as much as they should. They poop maybe 30-50 poops a day? I first got one of my guinea pigs, Benny, but he had always pooped very little since the beginning so I was...
  15. D

    Guinea Pig (F, 2.5yrs old) Showing pain when pooping - unsure the Vet is moving fast enough, advice needed!

    Hello everyone, I've included a video link at the bottom of this post to show the pain our poor Guinea Pig is in whenever she tries to poop. Poor girl has been sick for a month now, first two weeks she was not eating due to an abscess in her mouth (Now healed, more details HERE) and then the...
  16. M

    Guinea Pig Stacks poo

    So I have two male guineas (almost 2 months of owning these two) living together and there's a big cage with lots of hay where they usually poop and pee. There's also an extension that goes from the cage outside where there are some comfy hiding houses! Ever since my last cleanup I noticed...
  17. Wetherill


    My 5 y/o boy surprised me with very soft, deformed stool this morning in clumps that are causing my whole room to smell foul. He is happy, eating, drinking, etc., however it’s Saturday and my vet cannot see him until monday. Unfortunately there is no emergency vet near me that sees guinea pigs—...
  18. L

    "Tail" end poop

    Hey everyone! I've noticed my female guinea pigs have some poops that look normal and wet, besides this little "tail" or slight point on one end. I was wondering if anyone might know the cause or what could be done about it? They're eating normally, running and jumping around as usual.
  19. kerry3383

    irregular poop - advice please!

    there’s some kind of goop in my guinea pigs poop? where the red arrow is? this was taken straight after she passed it as i watched her go then thought i’ll just check it make sure it’s looking healthy and saw this? should i be concerned? i checked her over and she seems fine other than her...
  20. G

    Guinea pig poop odd shape

    Hi I have 2 male Guinea pigs. Both around 10 months old. One of them does these odd shaped poops. He does normal shaped poops as well and they are normal consistency. I just don’t know if this is anything to worry about. I have had a pair of Guinea pigs before them that lived for around 6 years...