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popcorn piggies

  1. emily21

    Facts about your piggies that always make you happy

    During these rough times I think a lot of us could use something to smile at so I think we should share three facts about our little boars and sows. I have three boars each one with a different personality and their own little quirks. So here is a fact about each of my guinea pigs that...
  2. ishimercado

    Zooming and Popcorning

    Hi, I'm a new dad of a month old Silkie Sow from the Philippines. She has been with me for almost 2 weeks now and I noticed that she's a little bit less skittish than the first week, but she still runs and hide when I do sudden movements and still won't let me lift her up. What I noticed...
  3. S

    New Guinea Pigs Behaviour

    Hello! I’m new here as I have just got my little guinea pigs 😁 they are 2 months old and came home with me 5 days ago now. Me and my boyfriend already have so much love for them and spend a lot of time talking to them, holding and stroking them. I will attach a little video of them in their play...
  4. Beans&Toast

    Maple Is At It Again

    I've just put the pigs back in the cage after changing the fleece, I rearranged a few bits too just to keeps things interesting. (I've still to put their hay in incase anyone is wondering where the hay is :P) Maple loves a good run around the cage, as you can see :drool: Poor Beans, she tries...
  5. Jesse's pigs


    So as you may know I have a tendency to tag some of you quite a bit (sorry lol) so thought for once I'd tag you in a post that doesn't involve a question but a video which I'm sure you'll enjoy... @Wiebke @sport_billy @Flutterby
  6. E_Blackaby

    Popcorning Or Something Else?

    Hi! Basically I adopted one of my 4 pigs Poppy about 2 weeks ago (she came paired with my other girl Gigi) and she's great I love her she's so lively and naughty. She just keeps doing this weird little thing I have included some screen shots from a video I took to show you because I couldn't...
  7. Ashleigh24


    Got my first popcorn and zoomie from one of my piggies today. Only had them since Sunday. Soo happy :luv: who rememberes there first ones?