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  1. P

    Please help I don't know what to do

    Hi. It's never easy to talk about this, but I'll start. First, I'm not on UK, I'm Portuguese so my English might not be the best. Please don't judge me, I'm trying to give them all the care I can I just don't feel like I can do enough for them... I had a lot of trouble lately with my guinea...
  2. F

    New companion after loss advice

    Hello, I'm new to posting though I've found this forum useful many times so thank you all... Sadly we lost one of our beautiful guinea pigs yesterday and she leaves behind her life companion (4.5 years). She appears to still be eating so not dangerously affected luckily, but we don't want her to...
  3. Adelyn

    Where to get an Abyssinian guinea pig........

    Hello everyone, I want to get a female Abyssinian guinea pig. The problem is I can't find one anywhere! Rescue? Nope. Shelter? Uh-uh. Even pet stores come up empty. I can't find any breeders either! Oh, I can find plenty of paired piggies, but I only can take one! (I have a guinea to bond the...
  4. Y2Craig

    Looking for rehoming/adoption centres in Scotland

    Hi, Sadly our Seth passed away not long before Christmas. He was almost 7 and we like to think he had a good life :) Now, we're hoping to rehome a pair of pigs in the next few months, but unsure where to look. Can anyone recommend rescue/rehoming centres in Central Scotland? We're...
  5. G

    Rehome or add new pig?

    Hello everyone :) I am looking for some advice or suggestions for a bit of a dilemma I'm having. Unfortunately, I lost one of my piggies last night. She was old and had been unwell for quite some time so although you never want to find your pets passed away, I have already made peace with it...
  6. E

    Should I re-home?

    Hello, I wanted to come on here to ask for some opinions on my situation. Anything helps! I have one female Guinea Pig and I am questioning wether I should find her another home. A bit of background: I used to have a different guinea pig who was living alone, therefore, I decided to get her a...
  7. D

    Should I rehome?

    I have had guinea pigs for over 4 years now and in total I have had 5 but after a few recent passing away I have 2. I love them a lot but I feel I don't give them enough attention as I should and I am thinking about rehoming them, it will be really tough but I don't know how to tell my parents...
  8. A

    Should I rehome my guinea pig?

    I love my guinea pig so much, and I try to give him the most care I can. However I have a small room and he smells it up so much. I try to talk to my parents about moving him upstairs but they don’t listen. I also try to talk to them about getting a new piggy but they say I cant. I want him to...
  9. amylouise

    1 single and 1 double tier indoor cages for rehoming! FREE!

    Hi, first of all please accept my apologise if this is the wrong place to advertise this, I have rang around a lot of rescues and messaged people on Facebook and someone suggested here! I have up for grabs these cages, they haven't been used for a few years and have been sitting getting bashed...
  10. T

    Having To Rehome Due To New Career? Please Help:(

    So I have a huge dilemma on my hands here:( I recently got offered the job of my dreams I worked so hard to get but it came with a HUGE condition: I rehome my Guinea pigs:( which I obviously in a million years do not want to do. I was told the pathogens from my pigs could spread to the...
  11. J

    Rehoming Of A Single Pig

    Hey all, So I am sadly down to one guinea pig now, Barry. Barry has been living alone for around two months, now I know that isn't ideal, but I initially did not want to get him rehomed, thinking that he is getting older now and may not accept new housemates and I just didn't really want to see...
  12. Cazzie Bliss

    Mental Turmoil Of Having To Rehome?

    Hey all As some might know, my piggies had babies a few months ago and I misgendered one of the pups who's been in the girls cage. I don't have a big enough cage for 4 boars to live in. So, the people I got my original two are saying they can take a max of four back of the same sex. The...