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rumble strutting

  1. lavender91

    Mounting and rumble strutting

    So I have 2 sow about 2 to 2 1/2 years and age and my piggle popper keeps trying to mount her sister (we have no actual idea of they are related they were in the same incloser when we got them) baby girl the sow that's being humped is yelling and squeaking like back off my a** and the other sow...
  2. D

    Neutered male constantly rumble strutting

    Hi everyone, I’m hoping for a bit of advice. 3 months ago I introduced a neutered boar to my herd of 3 sows. If I’m being honest, I don’t think I introduced them very well; i used the split cage method for around 2 weeks and then let them meet each other in a large neutral playpen. However, they...
  3. Hayley_Bayley_Haybale

    How much rumble strutting is 'normal' for a female?

    Hi all! Of my female pair, one seems to rumble strut a lot more than the other and I'm wondering how much of this behaviour is normal and when I ought to be taking her to see the vet. I'd say she does it several times every single day. For context she is around 8-9 months old and seems to be the...
  4. Piggywheekers

    Random Rublestrutting

    Hello! Our two boars are about 2.5 years old and have been bonded since birth. We have noticed that they go through periods of peace and then have some periods of very rowdy rumblestrutting every couple of months. No violence, just Squash bothering Pickle and not allowing him to do anything...
  5. G

    Soon to be husboar joining his mother hand sister finally forever

    As a first time guinea pig owner and after reading a lot about them, I decided to have just two female guinea pigs who were about 2,5 months old when I got them. I was told they had been together since birth so they got along very well. I built them a 6 x 2,1 C&C cage. They had lots of space and...
  6. Wheeksers

    Concerns about having to split my herd

    Ahoy! My herd consists of 6 sows (Little Bean, Pumpkin Spice, Brûlée, CariBoo, Nutmeg and Monk Fruit) - all of which have been bonded and living together for over a year now. Over the past month or so, there has been some behavior changes that is raising some yellow flags in my mind. CariBoo...
  7. T

    Curious grudge

    Hello all! My husband and I have two boars who are approximately a year and a half to 2 years old.. they initially seemed bonded well.. we had to put them in a smaller enclosure than we wanted (probably too small) about 6 months after we got them because of some temporary changes in sleeping...
  8. S

    Constant Rumble Strutting

    I have two girls Rupert and Jerry (they are both over 2 years old) every few weeks Rupert will rumble strut and Jerry and climb on her side and make the constant purring nose just strutting around the cage, but recently she started rumble strutting as per usual but it hasn’t gone away she has...
  9. RedVipey

    Sibling Rivalry getting out of hand

    As of now my two boars are having a pretty big stink with each other, of course they often have a lot of little fights about dominance or they get annoyed at each other (and it seems to be happening more and more lately...) but this evening it's been bad and I'm concerned. Teddy (who is the...
  10. B

    Rumble-strutting or —?

    Hi! I am a New Guinea pig owner so forgive me if I seem a bit clueless! I got two boars back in December, two siblings who just turned 3 months old. They do quite a bit of rumble-strutting, which I understand is a boundary setting/dominance display. They've never reared/lunged/nipped/hissed or...
  11. B

    Whining Guinea Pig

    Hi, It’s my first time posting here so I hope I’ve done this right. I recently adopted 2 sows and they were getting along great. However, I have had to move them into a different room and one of my sows has started rumble strutting a lot and nipping the other pig. The other pig also is...
  12. Sherman and Shaggy's Mom

    They don't seem to get along

    I hate having to ask another question but recently my boys seem to be fighting, no blood, more like lunges. When I got them they said they were bonded but they seem to be angry randomly. Sometimes they seem fine sleeping together, sharing food, stuff like that. But just yesterday day I heard a...
  13. Shelli1016


    Hey there! Not knowing how many guinea pigs are rehomed in the world, we regrettably went to a big box store & adopted a sow. A week later she had 2 babies! 🙄 My son at this point named both babies & the whole family fell in love w/them. The store was helpful, apologetic & gave us free food &...
  14. cashewandpeppa

    Is this normal? Strong season for sows

    We’re on day FOUR of what seems to be the strongest season possible for Peppa. Can I get some opinions on the video below? Peppa lifted Cashew’s chin and nibbled - never seen this before. Usually just chin raises. Peppa has been rumble strutting for four days straight now. She’ll rumble and...
  15. Hannahb2804

    Sow behaviour

    Had two sows for roughly three weeks now and when they arrived Dougal was rumble strutting constantly and Luna was squeaking, then it stopped after a while and Luna was on heat so she began doing the same and trying to mount Dougal and then this stopped. All has been fine for a week or more...
  16. F

    Constant rumble strutting

    Hello, I have a 10 month male guinea pig (Pepper) and we have followed advice to bond him to a younger male, Noodle (4 months). The initial meetings went well and they moved in to their C&C cage together a few days ago. Since there Pepper has been constantly chasing and rumble strutting after...
  17. S

    Guinea pig rumbling at me?

    Hey everyone! So I have 3 piggies and i’ve noticed for a few weeks my dominant piggy (the orange one) has started to rumble at me when I open the cage. He is the most outgoing and allows pets if he feels like it and comes up to me regularly, but for some reason he’s been distant. I’ve seen where...
  18. JP88

    Behaviour and rumblestrutting

    Hello all. Myself and my partner have recently got two new male Guinea pigs (roughly 8-10 weeks). They appear to have settled well and are eating, drinking and chatting etc. My question is, one appears to be more dominant than the other and is rumblestrutting a lot and in a few occasions, humped...
  19. Piggie mama

    Rumblestrutting at everything!

    Hi all, I got two beautiful male piggies in August this year, one is a year old and the other is about 7 months, I adopted them and they'd lived together even before me, the older one is definitely the dominant one and the younger never challenges him, however my older piggie constantly...
  20. Shaye Mandy

    Constant rumble strutting! :(

    Hello everyone, I’m wondering if anybody else might have experience this but my sow had pups almost 3 months ago (I didn’t know she was pregnant when I purchased her. 3 healthy pigs 1 boy and 2 girls, the boy has been seperated and it’s her and her 2 girl babies now) anyways, she’s been...