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  1. Guptheguineapig

    Suspected mouse (hopefully not rat!) problem in apartment-- effect on piggies?

    So, over the last few days I have begun the journey of trying to (wild) rodent proof my third floor apartment. I found a hole in the wall by the cage which was thankfully plugged immediately with steel wool. I have also continued to keep all foods human and pigs in air tight bags or containers...
  2. N

    Respiratory Issues?

    So two weeks ago my guinea pig stopped eatting and pooping but I got her medication to help with her respiratory illness and also gave her critical care, the vet only provided me with the medication to only last for a week, by the time the week was over she seemed healthy again eatting on her...
  3. A


    I was thinking about making a nice Little hiding place out of a gourd. When they are dried, they are very much like wood but as a gourd art person, I know gourds require precautions when carving them. I would think a gourd would be safer to chew on than toilet paper or paper towel rolls as a...