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shower thoughts:guinea pigs edition

  1. gayfurryclown

    Piggies rubbing their lips on stuff :)

    I often see my and others’ Guinea pigs rubbing their upper lips on all kinds of things, seemingly always as a way of investigating/identifying the stuff lmao. I can’t find any info on it, but I highly suspect it’s similar to a blind person feeling up an item to tell what it is. Feel free to...
  2. bumbling-bambi

    Shower Thought: Guinea Pig Edition- Weird Whiskers!

    So Phillip has beautiful long whiskers to go with his lovely blonde hair... all in all he's a very pretty boy - if he was a human he would probably be swanning his way down a catwalk and i think he knows it! Now Womble, well he's a totally different story - he's to put it kindly just a bit...