skin conditions

  1. C

    Worried new owner, skin condition

    Hello everyone. I’ve just found a skin problem on one of my guinea pigs and I’m hoping you can put my mind at ease until I can get him to a vet tomorrow. We have had our two boys for just over a week and this evening on the top of cocos head, I noticed a built-up patch of skin that is white in...
  2. R

    Suspicious skin disease

    Hi dears, I trimmed one of my long hair guinea pigs hair today and found some suspicious skin diseases around his hip area. Description: some yellow discharges just above the genital area skin and skin are red, hair on that area fall out easily. He eat well and sleep well as normal, so I’m...
  3. F

    Skin Issues..

    Hi! I’ll try to keep it short. Fred and Harry my 10 month old boars have recently undergone a 5 week course of Ivermectin injections (1 per week) at the vets for suspected mites. After the 4th injection I was not convinced that they they were fully healed so contacted the vet again. This time...
  4. T

    Hard dried skin behind ear

    Good morning! My one texel piggie is always getting hard dried skin behind one of his ears that then flakes off, but feels like a hard bump. Any ideas?
  5. annachristina_piggies

    Dandruff type skin issue?

    Hi! Piglet’s ‘dandruff’ issue seems to be getting worse. Does anyone know what this issue is and how to treat it? It looks like dead flakes of skin that end up getting attached to the hair shafts. The worst affected area is the crown on his back where the hair goes in different directions. When...
  6. D

    Dry skin, dandruff, or something else

    After an incident about a year ago with guinea pig lice, I regularly check my boys skin/hair for anything wrong. I’ve noticed recently that they both seem to have white flakes around their back ends and I can’t seem to figure out why. I’m thinking it’s just dry skin or maybe dandruff caused by...
  7. V

    Persistent skin condition

    Hi, one of my piggies has a persistent skin condition, that isnt ruining her quality of life (it doesn't seem to bother her at all and she never scratches at it) but I wondered if anyone else has had similar experiences. I have tried taking photos but she has black fur and it isn't that bad so...
  8. Lizzieejoyce

    Hair loss. HELP!

    Hi everyone TL;DR - ongoing skin problem and hair loss. Been to the vets 3 times and she’s still not better, any suggestions please?! My guinea pig, Agnes, has had a skin problem since late August. Another guinea pig of mine had a fungal infection when Agnes started to lose hair so I treated...
  9. Georgia's_Guineas

    Crusty nipples

    A couple of weeks ago I noticed Panda had developed crusty nipples. I researched online and it said it could possibly be linked to ovarian cysts, so I took her to the vet for a checkup. They weren’t concerned about it and gave me some wet wipes to clean her with. (I don’t know if this is worth...
  10. Jenny-Lou

    Elderly Piggie,rigid seizures and skin complaints

    Hi everyone! I'm to posting so I hope I'm doing this right! I have a 7 year old piggie who I suspected had mites as her skin was scaly, and she was itching. We have been given a course of invermectin by the vet which she had about 4 days ago but she seems much the same in terms of skin...
  11. S

    Found this greasy stuff

    Hi there I’ve just done a health check on my piggy and found this stuff on her backside I’m thinking it’s something to do with grease gland but I’ve never seen it like that before so any help would be appreciated thanks in advance , she is about 14 months old
  12. P

    Twitching Guinea Pig

    My 1 year old Guinea pig passed away not long ago. She fell to her side and started twitching repeatedly for about 20 mins until she passed away. We suspect this might be because of some sort of mite or parasite but I check her skin and hair weekly and she had shown no signs or symptoms or...
  13. C

    Bruising and I'm feeling like the worst mom

    She’s been struggling with a skin infection with a patch of fur loss on her back since thanksgiving. She’s seen 2 separate vets (duke animal hospital in Chicago, and VCA Fleming Island). Duke gave us wipes for fungal infection. VCA Fleming Island gave us antibiotics for possible secondary and...
  14. EJ Fairweather

    Strange rash/ bald spot on boar’s back, could be mites...?

    Last night when I went to hold all my boars (I have four) Floyd had a strange scabby patch on his back with missing hair. I haven’t noticed it before now and I hold them all often. I got him and his cage mate pretty recently from a private owner, and while they will sometimes chase each other...
  15. T

    Lice help?

    Hiya, Unfortunately I'm back with more (different) skin issues. I noticed some tiny white worm-looking things moving in my guineas fur - I think they're lice, but will get them checked by a vet to be sure and get treatment for them. I have noticed them scratching a bit, but no...
  16. H

    Vet update!

    my boy just had his first appointment with the vets, and unfortunately a few issues did come up :( 1. I have been clipping his nails and I thought his coat seemed clean and healthy. However, because he's never been groomed by his humans, he needs a bath with a mild shampoo, which I think I...
  17. C

    Bites or skin condition (skinny pig)

    Our skinny pig has some sortve bite or skin thingy on it. Does occasionally show agression towards other pigs but only dominance. Not sure if its a bite or something else. Also has dry skin patches. Anyone seen anything like this before? On her neck and bum seen in the link. The dry patches come...
  18. E

    Dry patch behind guinea pig’s ears?

    I'm not sure if it’s a fungal infection or not but my 1 year old female guinea pig has a small patch of dry scaly skin behind each ear. She has had it for a long time but I always thought it was normal. She also gets flaky ears sometimes and often has a small (but not abnormal) amount of crust...
  19. H

    baby guinea pigs excessive itching

    recently i have adopted 2 baby guinea pigs (around 6 weeks old) and i have noticed they tend to itch quite alot. Their coats are soft and nice, with no dry patches, oily/greasy patches, etc. they also jump and run around the cage sometimes with a high pitched wheeking. (is this related to the...
  20. T


    Hi all, I got a guinea pig from what I thought was a reputable source, but she turned out to have quite a severe case of ringworm. I've taken her to the vet (prescribed oral antifungal meds) and have nearly finished the treatment course. I've also given her 2 baths. The ringworm is looking much...