
  1. S

    First snooze

    Today I picked up Gizmo for a cuddle and groom, after his groom he settled on my lap which has never happened before. He then gave me a big yawn and pancaked onto my lap. (I even think he had a snooze!) I’ve never had a cuddle with either of them for this long and it’s just made me really happy 😆
  2. Elgifu321

    Share A Pig Of Your Snuggly Guinea Pigs!

    I love seeing pics of really cuddly guinea pigs that are super comfortable with their owners. Rupert, my 4 yo piggy is always happy to snooze on my lap! Here's a few pics! Share pics of your piggys if they do anything like this or are simply cuddle monsters :love:
  3. Guineapigfeet

    Snoozing Pigs

    Sorry, no picture! I didn't dare disturb them! Caught Cheewie having an out-in-the-open nap yesterday with her eyes open (it's so freaky!) and Rey had a couple of lay-like-a-dog chill-outs with back legs sticking out from under her side. My first thought, having never seen her do this before...
  4. Chief Guinea Pig

    Poop Pillow

    Looks comfy putting your head on a piece of poop, Lola... @Kerrie74 @biscandmatt @Drezella @TheAurora (I can't remember other members that like to see photos of the girls XD sorry if I missed you)