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Awww... I'll have a look and see what I can find!


Those two are of one of my past pigs, Linney. She was probably my pig most likely to flop and your lap and snooze for hours!

And here's one of baby Hadley, sleeping with her feet out the back on my daughter's lap!
I like how when I am cuddling archie, he pretends to be asleep looking all smug with his eyes closed, but then after a little while he will open them slightly and I have to whisper "I love you" and blow a kiss, and only then he will be satisfied and close his eyes again.
I adore this thread...too much cute!

Can there be too much cute?

I have a pic, but IV pistes it twice so I don't think that you would want to see the same one again :)
My piggies never sleep on my lap, but they run freely in our living room and they love going under this particular chair to snooze so we decided to just put bedding under it to stop them pooping & peeing on the carpet.


Although here's a rare one when she was asleep on my hubby's lap when she was poorly.

Here is the older one (the bottom pic) and two more I took minutes ago of tonight's first snuggle
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