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  1. Daisy_and_Mocha

    Daisy and Mocha ♡

    Daisy and Mocha's photo thread 💞 And some photos to start it off, including a couple which have already been posted elsewhere but anyways...
  2. Adelyn

    @Adelyn's Piggies

    I thought it was time I started a thread for my piggies (Clover and Stella 😍), so here are a few pics: Eating carrot pieces in bed, because when you are a piggie princess why get up? :)) "Hola!" :wub:
  3. Sonnet

    Can’t believe it’s only been 5 months

    Since I brought Sprout home. He’s just slotted in so well, and is becoming quite the character! To be honest, I’m glad I did fall in love with him at first sight. Chutney had started tellling me that he wasn’t happy being on his own, and I had been thinking about beginning the search to find him...
  4. H

    Best Of Friends!

    My 5 year old daughter adores her lovely guinea girls as much as I do, she often sits with them and reads or draws pictures for them!xx
  5. TheLottiediarys

    I've Found Some Beautiful Photos Of The Pigs!

    Here's Panny my first ever Pig! way back in 2007! He was amazing :) Here's Late Taini, She passed early last year, She was the first of my current herd, And rekindled my love of Pigs in 2012. Here's Bear my Neutered Male, Hes still with us at the ripe old age of 8 now with his lovely herd of 4...
  6. Anniversary Herd

    Who'd Like To Take Part In Our 2017 Advent Calendar ?

    :clap:The Anniversary Herd is delighted to announce that the forum will continue with our tradition of having an Advent Calendar :clap: Here is a link to last year’s thread ... Christmas Advent Calendar 2016 So .... please start looking out for props for Christmas themed photographs and ...
  7. TheLottiediarys

    So I've Just Found An Old Photo Of Baby...

    Happened to be looking through my old phone and found this adorable photo of Baby from a few weeks after we got her! Please excuse the terrible cage and the tunnel I wasn't aware of the right way to house them back then! But doesn't she look small and sweet :)
  8. TheLottiediarys

    Baby Had Her First Bath Today! We Took Cute Photos! Also, I Found Some Flees :/

    Baby had a bath! And she really didn't like it! We stopped and started alot so she didn't feel too overwhelmed! Here are some cute photos we took while Baby cuddled with me to dry: Also, we found some flees while combing her? Do guinea pigs get flees? Or are they Cat flees that have...
  9. Banbh

    Happy Birthday Boys

    Yep, Chutney and Radish are 5 today. Seems like only yesterday I adopted them, but in reality it's been 4 1/2 years or so. They've moved house with me & rest of family, and have been completely healthy and happy. Apart from when I need to trim their nails!
  10. ToastandBeans

    Post Your Piggies

    I do clean them out- I did yesterday. But they trash everything... post some pigtures of your piggies!
  11. TheCavySlave

    Diary Of Two Eligible Bachelors

    I decided to post pics of Godfrey and Duncan daily, to share their cuteness :D "Mum says we need plenty of Vitamin C, whatever that is. Vitamin Cavy? Vitamin Cute? She says we get it from veggies and pellets, which is good, because I love them both!" "I have a nice soft bed, but I sleep here...
  12. Celine298

    My Little Blob Of Fluff

    Just a few pics of my munchkin, Sunny, and me. He loves snoozing in his hay on warm days because the sun shines into his cage in the afternoon. He's also quite fond of sucking our fingers during cuddle time He's a nine months old abby who's addicted to kale ❤
  13. Elgifu321

    Share A Pig Of Your Snuggly Guinea Pigs!

    I love seeing pics of really cuddly guinea pigs that are super comfortable with their owners. Rupert, my 4 yo piggy is always happy to snooze on my lap! Here's a few pics! Share pics of your piggys if they do anything like this or are simply cuddle monsters :love:
  14. Beans&Toast

    Some Of My Favourite Photos...

    Out of about 6000 photos, I think these are some of my favourites of beautiful Beans and Toasty :wub: I absolutely adore these girls :luv:
  15. JoannaMarie

    Monty My New Addition With His New Friend Alan The Lion

    I've had Monty a few weeks now, him and Alan seem to have bonded (finger's crossed) they were introduced over two weeks ago now. Alan does love to mount Monty but no real aggression and Monty has learnt to stick up for himself so Alan knows he can't push things too far! Monty is pretty cute it...