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  1. P

    Spay & hernia

    We've had a stressful week. Turns out Pumpkin's on and off squeaking when weeing was a mass in the uterus effecting the bladder which showed up on an x-ray on Friday. She wasn't great under anaesthetic so surgery was on Monday instead. But I was aware she may not come home, I signed a euthanasia...
  2. ThreeLilPeegs

    Guinea Pig Spay and General Anaesthetic (GA)

    Hi everyone, Hope you can help. One of our rescue guinea pigs, Totoro, needs a spay as the vet can feel cysts and for the last few days these have been causing discomfort (sitting hunched/puffed up). She’s being given metacam twice a day and is booked in to be spayed this coming Wednesday (6th...
  3. P

    Quoted £687 for spay, is this normal?

    Hello! My piggie has a cyst in her ovaries that we have just discovered. It's easily sorted, the vet has advised she would just need to have a spay to stop it coming back. It gets pretty big and impacts her digestion and needs draining. My quote has come back as £687. I'm obviously going to...
  4. Guptheguineapig

    Recurring UTIs connected to REPRODUCTIVE issues

    Hello all. I read many awesome conversations on this forum and I wanted to post to ask the hive mind if anyone has anything similar happen. Samoa is my four year old piggie who has had three UTIs from November to this week. As well as another this summer. So within a year she has had 4...
  5. ceciliaxdee

    Spayed sow guinea pig intermittent bleeding

    Hello all, hoping someone can offer advice or experiences with this situation. I have a 1.5 year old female guinea pig who had fresh blood coming from her vagina/anus/bottom area early May. I took her to two different exotic vets for opinions and they ruled out UTI or stones. We had her spayed...
  6. AdamFrench

    Persistent blood in urine, no stones and no pain

    Hi, We’ve got two girls 3 and 4 year old - the 4 year old has been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis almost a year ago. She is on continuous pain/inflammatory meds (metacam and tramadol) alongside nutracyst. This seemed to do the trick as her weight is consistent and she’s just a bubbly and...
  7. dannif_piggies

    Advice on Spaying a six year old piggy

    So back around May time, Honey was diagnosed with ovarian cysts, and the options we were given was to spay or have a hormone impnat put into the scruff of her neck. Obviously the spay would be a permanent fix, but the implant would cause less distress, and potentially be "safer" for Honey due to...
  8. Beans&Toast

    Why Does Beans Keep Doing This?

    So after being spayed over 2 weeks ago, Toast's wounds on the top of her back are healing very well, but have left a bit of a scab (vet has checked it and happy it will just fall off). The past 4 or so days Beans has started to lick and gently bite the 2 scabs on Toast's back, she doesn't seem...
  9. Beans&Toast

    Toast Needs To Be Spayed (i Think).

    My vet and I have agreed today that it would be sensible to spay Toast. I'm really having second thoughts though and would appreciate your opinions on this as I'm terrified about it. (I apologise in advance as it's quite a long read) For over a year now Toast has been having hormonal issues...
  10. Parnassus

    Prepping For Post-op Care

    Hi all! I've been casually documenting my preparations to take care of Blade after her spay tomorrow! It's my first time having a guinea pig in for any surgery, so I'm quite nervous. The best way I can settle my nerves is to prepare for anything! Here's Blade (chocolate satin, white pants)...
  11. sarahpiggies

    Likely Ovarian Cysts, Spay Or Other Treatment?

    Hello everyone - I'm looking for advice on whether to go for a spay operation for my piggie Twiglet. I brought her into the exotics vet at Holly House in Leeds a week and a half ago as I suspected ovarian cysts. She has lost weight (usually 1kg, now hovering around 900 - 930g and her ribcage is...
  12. Beans&Toast

    Big Day For Beans Tomorrow.

    Tomorrow morning I'll be taking Beans in for her spay. I cannot even put into words how terrified I am for her. Apart from these cysts (and cataracts) she's in good health. She plods around and loves a good munch. She's getting on a bit, around 5 I think she is but she can still keep up with...
  13. Beans&Toast

    Possible Spay For Beans

    I've not posted much on here lately as I've been kept so busy with the pigs, they've both got a lot going on at the moment. For months now Beans has been having hormonal issues, no hair loss but she's been very aggressive when she comes into season and it lasts longer each time. She's had 3...
  14. charlrose1992

    Just Started Squeaking When Pooping 2 Weeks After Cyst Spay

    Hello, I have been looking after my guinea pig Hector after a spay she got done 2 weeks ago to remove her large ovarian cysts and swollen uterus which was seeping fluid out of her. She has been slowly recovering for the past two weeks as it was a much larger op than the vet anticipated and I...
  15. Muffin&Crumble

    Recovery After Spay

    Hi Everyone, My first post so bear with me! On Monday my two little girls Muffin and Crumble underwent a spay. Crumble's behaviour had changed dramatically so our vet suspected an ovarian cyst, and recommended a spay - we decided it was best to also have Muffin spayed as keeping her intact...