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  1. KrankyCrumpet

    Toe infection

    Hi. My piggy Tom has been seeing an exotic vet for 3 months now with his toe. As you can see this is a large pimple like object which has thickened the nail and we have been asked by the vet to not trim this. The same toe on his other foot had a similar lump start to form but the antibotics...
  2. Nbw_835

    Injured toe.

    I accidentally cut one of my pigs claws too short.. She jerked as I clipped and I think it took off a part of her toe. It bled so much but I rushed to the bathroom and clotted the blood with cornstarch. I feel terrible and physically sick that I did that to her... How do I make her feel better...
  3. Martina97

    Swollen Toe

    Hi everyone, This is Martina from Italy. I'm very worried about one of my two piggies. Last Tuesday, while I was trimming his nails, I noticed that he was missing one and that he had a swollen toe. I can't really think about when he could have lost it - never found any bloodstain in the cage nor...