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Injured toe.


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 16, 2017
Reaction score
I accidentally cut one of my pigs claws too short.. She jerked as I clipped and I think it took off a part of her toe. It bled so much but I rushed to the bathroom and clotted the blood with cornstarch. I feel terrible and physically sick that I did that to her... How do I make her feel better and is she going to be okay?
I accidentally cut one of my pigs claws too short.. She jerked as I clipped and I think it took off a part of her toe. It bled so much but I rushed to the bathroom and clotted the blood with cornstarch. I feel terrible and physically sick that I did that to her... How do I make her feel better and is she going to be okay?

Take a deep breath! If the bleeding has stopped within 10 minutes, she will be OK. ;)
Take a deep breath! If the bleeding has stopped within 10 minutes, she will be OK. ;)
It's stopped and she seems okay aside from the blood stuck in her fur. I'm just cuddling her before she goes back into her cage. I'm kinda worried that her cagemate might try to hurt her.. Is that something is should worry about?
It's stopped and she seems okay aside from the blood stuck in her fur. I'm just cuddling her before she goes back into her cage. I'm kinda worried that her cagemate might try to hurt her.. Is that something is should worry about?

No, her cagemate will not hurt her.
No, her cagemate will not hurt her.
Thank you. I've never clipped either one of my pigs nails like that and I groom them regularly. I've had the one I injured for almost a year.
Thank you. I've never clipped either one of my pigs nails like that and I groom them regularly. I've had the one I injured for almost a year.

It happens to all of us at some point or other however careful we are, so please do not feel too bad about it! The nail should eventually grow back; sometimes it can be a bit deformed. Mobitility is not affected.

See a vet if starts bleeding again.