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  1. Sonnet

    Sprout’s snoot

    Just showing off his nose and whiskers. Yep, nothing to see here!
  2. PerpLexxity

    Whisker Trim?

    Hi everybody, I have a coronet and I feel like his whiskers are incredibly long. Is it okay to trim them? Sorry if this is a dumb question I’ve just never had a long haired pig before.
  3. bumbling-bambi

    Shower Thought: Guinea Pig Edition- Weird Whiskers!

    So Phillip has beautiful long whiskers to go with his lovely blonde hair... all in all he's a very pretty boy - if he was a human he would probably be swanning his way down a catwalk and i think he knows it! Now Womble, well he's a totally different story - he's to put it kindly just a bit...
  4. Guineapigfeet

    Yay, Some Half Decent Photos!

    My three little pigs out for floor time this morning. I've been lying down with them for a week or so trying to get them used to me being on their level with my (rather old) camera. Chewie will nibble my nose and Rey will put her paws on my hands/feet etc. BB is a bit more cautious but she is...