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3/5 Left :’(


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 19, 2019
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(I’m rather emotional while writing this, so please exuse any spelling/editing mistakes) Two nights ago, one of my piggies, Creampuff was showing signs of an URI such as breathing heavily and had stopped eating. I wanted to rush to the vet, however my parents (whom I still live with for the time being) convinced me to wait until the next morning, as Creampuff always seemed to breath like this. The nearby exotic vets had closed for the night and taking her in would require an emergency visit. I still scheduled a vet appointment for the next day at 6:00, which was the only available time for my veterinarian. I went off to work, making sure to check in with her before leaving. She was still breathing rather heavy, but it seemed to have gotten a bit slower and less labored. Hopeful, but anxious I continued the day as I normally would. When I arrived home from my shift, I ran to the cage to check in on Creampuff. Her body lay stiff and unresponsive, a sure sign that rigor mortis had already begun to set in. Instead of taking her to the vet’s office to be treated, I took her in to be cremated. I blame myself for not noticing her symptoms earlier and for not taking her in sooner, however I was aware that she was a sickly pig with reoccurring health issues due to being stunted/inbred (I rescued her from a friend who had gotten her from a pet-store) She was bound to have a shorter life, however I thought I’d have at least two years with her. Creampuff was only 1 year old. Does anyone have advice for getting over the accidental death of a pet? With Chai, my late guinea pig whom I decided to put to sleep due to her tumor, it felt like I had more control over the situation knowing that she’d died humanly in my arms. But with Creampuff, I feel extremely guilty as her last moments were probably filled with fear and loneliness. I’d appreciate any reassurance right now
I'm very sorry for your loss. Guinea pigs are good at hiding illnesses until it is too late as they are prey animals. You did what you could so try not to feel guilty. She is out of pain now and at the Rainbow Bridge making friends old and new and has her favourite food to scoff on. Was she in with your remaining piggies? She wouldn't have died alone and frightened if they were around. Even if she was in a separate cage it would have been reasurring for her to hear them.
Oh I am so sorry, your poor baby. It’s so difficult to know how serious it is when they’re poorly quite often so I completely understand. You’re clearly a very loving and caring pig parent and she would have known that. Who can say if there would have been a different outcome if you had got her to the vets, so please don’t blame yourself!

I hope you’re okay. Sending big hugs!
Hello. Very sad and when any piggie dies in any circumstance generally we ask ourselves.
What. If. Why.
I have and many here on this forum have.
Sometimes we can't fully control things and we left broken. What's to say Creampuff would be ok after a vet visit that's gona be hard.
Don't blame yourself remember the good times.
Be lovely to see a picture.
RIP Little piggie play away at Rainbow World. x
Welcome to the forum and I am so sorry for your loss.
Creampuff was loved and cared for, that is what you hold onto.
The guilt is a normal part of grieving - it will pass.
Be patient and gentle with yourself as you grieve - it takes time.
We are here to support you
Hello. Very sad and when any piggie dies in any circumstance generally we ask ourselves.
What. If. Why.
I have and many here on this forum have.
Sometimes we can't fully control things and we left broken. What's to say Creampuff would be ok after a vet visit that's gona be hard.
Don't blame yourself remember the good times.
Be lovely to see a picture.
RIP Little piggie play away at Rainbow World. x
Here’s my favorite picture I could find. This was when I was washing their larger enclosure’s fleece, so she was in her smaller/part time cage (Just wanted to clear that up).