:( :( :(

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
Hector is struggling to eat now

and he keep dribbling

I syringe fed him some food this morning but he really didnt want to swallow it at times :(

He'll be going to the vets tomorrow and if he keeps getting worse afterwards and it doesnt seem like hes getting better I'll have to PTS

I can't keep doing this :( I lost Fennel end of october and now if I loose another :(

I just hate seeing him like this .. and hes dropped some weight - hes 1kg now.

Doesnt help when your depressed.
I wouldn't PTS, I suspect this is a tooth problem. He will probably need ongoing dentals for the rest of his life.

Sorry I forgot to add I have pm'ed you. Did you contact Vedra to find out about a rodentologist is there any near you?

I know, it's difficult when a pig is unwell, chin up your doing your best! Keep the syringe food up! x
On going dentals may be difficult for me as I hardly have no money and live in the middle of no where

He going to the vets tomorrow so I'll see what they can find wrong.
I also work full time so cant syringe feed him during the day and nobody else either
Sounds like teeth probs to me, have you asked your work place if you can take him in so you can feed him, last year when my piggy Harry went off his grub he needed syringe feeding, my work place was brilliant about it and let me take him in so long as I only fed him on my break time.
I dont know if they would, plus I have to get a train in and then work 15 minutes to work and its soooo cold! Plus I need my OH to hold him at the moment as he won't keep still on his own.

It sounds rather like tooth trouble. When is your vet appointment?
I am ringing tomorrow morning but they arent specialised in small animals or teeth so I may see what furryfriends suggests.
I really do hope Debbie can help.

Dribbling is a sign both of molar overgrowth and of oral fungal, it could be either or both as I mentioned in Hector's thread.

Elijah's main recurring symptom has been dribbling, and his teeth have always been absolutely fine, for whatever reason he has an issue with repeated oral fungal infections.
I just dont know what to do. If Debbie will take him I have to ask my OH to drive 2 1/2 hours to take him there.

The vets said he couldnt see a problem with the molars so unless its a fungal infection?
Like I said before it could be the vets error in saying they are not overgrown, but if not and his teeth are fine, then oral fungal is the next port of call. I simply tend to advise giving Daktarin Oral Gel and pain relief with any pigs presenting the symptoms of dental issues as it is easy to understand that both can be active issues, even without there being any chronic fungal symptoms that would uniquely identify it.

Fingers crossed Debbie can help in some way.
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