A Caveman With The Voice Of A 6 Year Old Girl

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Jun 16, 2014
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I've been suffering from a particularly debilitating form of man flu this week;-) As a condition of this I haven't had a shave for the past few days so I'm looking very caveman like;-) if this wasn't bad enough my voice has decided to go and when I tried to speak this morning all that came out where the squeeks of a 6 year old girl. I'm not looking forward to the flack I'm going to take at work today!:flag:
I've been suffering from a particularly debilitating form of man flu this week;-) As a condition of this I haven't had a shave for the past few days so I'm looking very caveman like;-) if this wasn't bad enough my voice has decided to go and when I tried to speak this morning all that came out where the squeeks of a 6 year old girl. I'm not looking forward to the flack I'm going to take at work today!:flag:

well , at least you're man enough to still go into work. I hope you feel better soon.
Hope you're feeling better and your voice has returned to normal. My husband is suffering with a cold this week but I think I am probably suffering more with all the whingeing he's doing!
Hope you're feeling better and your voice has returned to normal. My husband is suffering with a cold this week but I think I am probably suffering more with all the whingeing he's doing!
Today I've got a booming voice. It's gone so deep I almost sound like Brian blessed;-)
I do sympathise with you, Davey-cavey, as I am suffering from a heavy cold right now. Feeling better now, but felt like death warmed up this morning!
Caught this damn thing off a customer in the shop where I work. I called in sick. Worst of it is, the piggies could catch my cold, so I can't even give anybody a cuddle!
I've gone one better now. It's completely gone. In now mute;-)
[emoji87] Well, not entirely mute, unless of course someone were to sit on your hands... Keep typing/texting- WE'RE reading/listening!

I hope that you are feeling better soon!

My hub had it just before Easter and ended up with a partially paralysed voice box until well into September; all his lower tones had a gone and we was very hoarse. Not great when your semi neighbours are extending their house in all directions with the appropriate ruckus for 5 months and a great deal of his job involves talking customers on dodgy mobile connections through complicated computer passwords and manoeuvres!
PS: he is STILL waiting for speech therapy. :mal:
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